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bricwood Dec 4th 2011 9:29 pm

new house tax
Does anyone know how this works, I at present only pay for rubbish, that's all we get here, someone who is an expat but not from England told me they have already had a visit from someone about this, I assumed it would be different according to where you live, but was just reading a new paper on line and it does not say that, I am pretty certain a lot of people have never registered here and pay nothing, I am sure also some people are living hand to mouth already, if people where I live are forced to pay local taxes and get nothing in return they will not be pleased, not enough people to riot

37100 Dec 4th 2011 9:49 pm

Re: new house tax

Originally Posted by bricwood (Post 9770701)
Does anyone know how this works, I at present only pay for rubbish, that's all we get here, someone who is an expat but not from England told me they have already had a visit from someone about this, I assumed it would be different according to where you live, but was just reading a new paper on line and it does not say that, I am pretty certain a lot of people have never registered here and pay nothing, I am sure also some people are living hand to mouth already, if people where I live are forced to pay local taxes and get nothing in return they will not be pleased, not enough people to riot

Nothing has been explained in depth as yet, but AFAIK. ICI is back for everyone in the form of IMU. Your neighbours didn't pay it because 1st houses have been exempt the past 4yrs. Same for everyone, 0,04% of the rendità catastale, which have been upped by 60%. Lower valued houses will be exempt. We will not be getting anything more in exchange.

A few other things. We will be paying 1c more on diesel fuel. Cars over 170 kw will pay €20 per kw more in road tax. Pensions blocked for 2yrs along with a whole lot of novelties for pension that were already planned. Cuts to Province councils. No payments over €1000 in cash. Possible 23% VAT from next September.

Must dash.:D

bricwood Dec 4th 2011 10:06 pm

Re: new house tax
This is my prima casa and I registered when I arrived but have heard nothing, I went into Lecce and the woman input my code fiscale and nothing came up, I have been advised to just lay low but its putting off the inevitable, most of the houses here are abusive even my one was, the germans I know claim the tax people have paid a visit last week , I dont mind paying its been around 120 euro so far I am told,but I read its .04% now if that's of value its going to a lot bearing in mind we get nothing, funnily enough I just had a big mob of officials prowling my street and I asked the to top one to help with my form but he did not want to know, if the tax is going to be high there will be ructions some one English and famous has just bought 4 houses near me!

37100 Dec 4th 2011 10:34 pm

Re: new house tax

Originally Posted by bricwood (Post 9770777)
This is my prima casa and I registered when I arrived but have heard nothing, I went into Lecce and the woman input my code fiscale and nothing came up, I have been advised to just lay low but its putting off the inevitable, most of the houses here are abusive even my one was, the germans I know claim the tax people have paid a visit last week , I dont mind paying its been around 120 euro so far I am told,but I read its .04% now if that's of value its going to a lot bearing in mind we get nothing, funnily enough I just had a big mob of officials prowling my street and I asked the to top one to help with my form but he did not want to know, if the tax is going to be high there will be ructions some one English and famous has just bought 4 houses near me!

:D From your post, it is obvious that you do not understand how ICI works/worked. Quick summary. You don't pay it at the moment because ICI on a primary residence was suspended by Berlusconi's goverment a few years ago.

Your neighbour with 4 houses would have paid ICI anyway because the exemption was only for you first home. He will just pay more now.:D If your Italian neighbours' homes are legal, they paid ICI in the past and if they didn't then they have no right to complain about lack of services because that is how comunes finance themselves. N.B Not being snarky.

ICI is not based on the actual value of your home, but on the rendità catastale. Our old ICI was €250. That was 0.05%. It will be more now because they have upped the rendità catastale.:(

chris120 Dec 4th 2011 10:51 pm

Re: new house tax
I have just seen the proposed full austerity package which seems to be:-

- Pensions above 936 euros will not be raised in line with
- The retirement age for men will increase from 65 to 66, with
incentives to work until 70 for both male and female workers.
The women's retirement age will increase from 60 to 62.
- Pensions will be determined based on the amount of money
workers have contributed, as opposed to the current system which
is based on salary levels at the time of retirement.
- The minimum amount of contribution years to be able to retire
before the retirement age will rise to 42 years for men and 41
for women, from 40 years currently.
- A property tax dropped by the previous administration will be
reintroduced, which will bring in or more than two thirds of the
package, over 10 billion euros.
- Taxes will be raised on luxury items like sports cars, yachts
and private jets.
- If necessary, there will be a 2% increase in value added tax
in the second half of 2012, taking it up to 23% in the top band.
- Income tax will not be raised as many had speculated.
- A number of public agencies will be eliminated.
- Elected officials in provincial governments will no longer
receive salaries and their staffs will be cut.
- Stores will be given more flexibility in their opening and
closing hours.
- Antitrust powers will increase.
- Rules on non-perscription drug sales will be liberalized.
- Transport-sector regulations will be loosened.
- Small businesses and independent proprietors will receive tax
breaks for fully declaring income.
- The civil service will make transactions and payments
- Cash transactions above 1,000 euros will be prohibited. The
current limit is 2,500 euros.

modicasa Dec 4th 2011 11:24 pm

Re: new house tax
The reintroduction of ICI will not bring in 10 billion, but rather 3.5/4 billion, according to all the papers this morning.

From 2012 (ie June next year) it will be IMU, probably prorogued to next autumn.
At the moment it works like this - like all Italian taxes, its all down to you to sort out and declare. When you buy a house, along with the voltura for the water and so on, you also pay a visit to the ICI office in the comune and fill int he forms and they log you on to the system. From then on its up to you to pay - if you have to pay.
THe new budget says this: ICI back on prima casa, though the comune can waive the first 200 euros. It is as 4 per 1000 - 0.4% of the rateable value, which is then multiplied by the comunes index and arrives at the final figure.
For the second homes it will have a median of .76% but the comune has a variabiity of 0.03 each way - so 0.46 to 1.06% of the rateable value.
When IMU comes in and ICI goes out you will have ICI combined with TARSU also calculated on rateable value instead of square metrage. Your comunal IRPEF will also be calculated on this figure giving you a single bill for all comunal outgoings for the year.

However, what will be the real hit is that the rateable value will be upgraded by 60% from tomorrow.

bricwood Dec 5th 2011 12:24 am

Re: new house tax
I still have to pay for the rubbish , tassa rifuti urbari, that's bad enough, for some reason I slipped the net, a dutchman who came the same time as me was contacted straight away, I went to register anyway last week, very civilised a man shakes everyone's hand as you go in and out, the woman took my code fiscale and said you are not registered which I had worked out gave me a form , I took the form home to fill in and its acronyms I cant work out, I showed it to my neighbours they cant work it out either, I have to tell them my area someone said, someone else said they must have it from the last person, I may go and try again tomorrow but I am not going to loose sleep over this, but as I said before The germans who live here swear they have had a visit re paying the full monty rather than the prima casa discount already

Isakat Dec 5th 2011 12:31 am

Re: new house tax
I read this in the paper this morning and did a calculation based on 60% extra on the catastal value and 0.4 for a prima casa and .7 for a seconda casa, minus 200 euro from prima casa and got a figure of 1,500 euro.Great:thumbdown:1.100 euro a year plus.:sneaky:
I also checked the kw figures on both cars and had a sigh of relief as both are under 170 kw, so just normal bollo next year.
Anyone with luxury cars will cough up.
see the link

bricwood Dec 5th 2011 1:11 am

Re: new house tax
I still remember my accountant in England telling me must be 20 years ago, the richest man in the country paid £5 tax last year, same the world over its joe blogs who pays , I think Italians could well get stroppy over this, British are sheep. why is UK skint? , its constantly at war, Iran next, Germans make cars

jiminalpago Dec 5th 2011 1:23 am

Re: new house tax
It gives me no special pleasure to do this to you all but....the last time I paid ICI, 2007, the annual bill was €10. And I tried to suggest to the Commune that a de minimis rule should be introduced; it was costing them more to recover the tax than I, and obviously others , were paying. Met with incomprehension.
I reckon I can take a 60% upgrade in my stride.

Isakat Dec 5th 2011 1:29 am

Re: new house tax

Originally Posted by jiminalpago (Post 9771021)
It gives me no special pleasure to do this to you all but....the last time I paid ICI, 2007, the annual bill was €10. And I tried to suggest to the Commune that a de minimis rule should be introduced; it was costing them more to recover the tax than I, and obviously others , were paying. Met with incomprehension.
I reckon I can take a 60% upgrade in my stride.

Tell me where you live so that I can buy a house in your neighbourhood, since you pay peanuts for all bills.;)

pugliese Dec 5th 2011 2:48 am

Re: new house tax
In 2007 we paid about € 120 for our 3 bedroom villa (approx. 160 sq.m) on a 500 plot. I also am of the opinion that this is a pittance as a community tax i.e. from this they have to build roads, street lightening, sewage, etc. etc. I know from my parents in England (Felixstowe) that they pay a fortune in comparison. Then Berluscone decided to run for office and did a survey "What is the most unpopular tax in Italy" and the answer was ICI, so right, le'ts abolish it and in got. Since then the comuni don't have this funding from the residents, but still have the same expenses as before. I think it is right we should make a contribution, where else in Europe can you own a house and not pay some kind of tax to the local council for the community upkeep?

pugliese Dec 5th 2011 3:06 am

Re: new house tax
Germans make cars

and very nice ones, too! Don't think JLR would be very pleased that you have forgotten them!

dippydon Dec 5th 2011 3:35 am

Re: new house tax

37100 Dec 5th 2011 3:45 am

Re: new house tax

Originally Posted by jiminalpago (Post 9771021)
It gives me no special pleasure to do this to you all but....the last time I paid ICI, 2007, the annual bill was €10. And I tried to suggest to the Commune that a de minimis rule should be introduced; it was costing them more to recover the tax than I, and obviously others , were paying. Met with incomprehension.
I reckon I can take a 60% upgrade in my stride.

Originally Posted by pugliese (Post 9771174)
In 2007 we paid about € 120 for our 3 bedroom villa (approx. 160 sq.m) on a 500 plot.

:ohmy: We paid €250 after getting a €200 discount for prima casa! That's for a 120 ish sq. m. for a flat about 1km from the town centre. And we have to pay €18 p.m. to park on the road outside.:(

Our comune gave us the form filled in and x'd, ready to sign.:( And they totted up our previous flat's rubbish bill before we could sign on for this flat. They found a mistake which we should have spotted :blink: and slapped us with a hefty fine! Our last flat was rented so I don't know, but I bet they do/did the same for ICI.:ohmy:

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