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K in Modena Jul 3rd 2010 2:26 am

Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
Our baby girl is due in 6 weeks' time and my mother-in-law has given us a "camicietta della fortuna". I had no idea what it was but my husband explained that it's a southern thing- you dress the baby in its first outfit with the camicietta directly against the skin and it brings good luck. Since then I've discovered they're listed as a "non-essential" item to take to the hospital here in Modena too.

I've no problem following Italian tradition in this case and there's nothing wrong with a bit of good luck but I've just been washing some baby clothes and taken a closer look- it's silk but has the word "fortuna" embroidered on the front, which makes it quite scratchy on the side that is supposed to be placed directly on my new baby's skin. Not sure how to get around that one really, I don't think my husband would appreciate me "denying" our baby her good luck and refusing to use his mother's gift and I don't reckon I could get away with sticking it on top of another item of clothing because that would be "wrong". But would you want to wear something scratchy as your very first outfit?! :(

Did anyone here with kids born in Italy use one of these?

37100 Jul 3rd 2010 3:12 am

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
When mine were born they were still used all the time -except by me, but that was because my sons were bigger than your average Italian baby so they didn't fit. All I can say is to chose your battles wisely. There are going to be a lot of them, so if it doesn't irritate baby's skin I'd use it. Wash it a couple of times in the washing machine. That'll soon kill it. If it does irritate, show your MIL the evidence and your regret :D at not being able to use it. Not to much though. You don't want here to rush out and buy another one.:D

dina1965 Jul 3rd 2010 5:16 am

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
I had one ... but I put it on my son over one of those cotten bib like things (they are open on the back and only close at the neck). can't remember what they're called but I think they're used to offer a little protection against staining the baby's clothes with iodine used to disinfect the umbilical cord. they are made of very soft cotton - could you get away with doing that using "staining" as an excuse?

Patty Jul 3rd 2010 6:50 am

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
K - I dont have any advice cos I never had this problem (my MIL is veneto), but I just wanted to say I'm sorry you have to worry about this when you've obviously got so much else to be thinking about at the mo.
But like 37100 said - maybe just put it on the once and then whip it off :) Its a hard one cos you dont want to upset MIL and OH but sometimes you'll have to decide when you know best and dont be persuaded to do things you dont want to do ok :)

selinuntina Jul 3rd 2010 7:12 am

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
We had this with DD. We did put it on her and had no problems. It was very common is Sicily, DS was born in UK so we avoided it.
BTW I recognise ur name from the other forum we have both posted on, uk based baby one ! I'm also due in 6 weeks, its been warm here in UK and everyone keeps asking me how I'm coping in the heat :huh: This is nothing compared to when I was 7 months with DD in one of the hottest summers in Sicily !!
Hows it going with the in laws ?? I get on quite well with mine although did really have to put my foot down on many things once we had children. DH's sister is planning on visiting with her 3 children and husband not long after I have the baby, his brother, wife and child in October and his auntie (who gave me many problems after birth of DD!!!) wants to come as soon as baby's born !!!!! God help me !

Lorna at Vicenza Jul 3rd 2010 5:51 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
I never got a lucky shirt thing.
I got lots of little boxed sets of bootees when I was pregnant that were supposed to be for good luck but no lucky shirt.
My kids were born in May and June so they mostly spent the first few months of their lives wearing English short sleeved cotton bodies and nothing else.

Selinuntina ....... sounds like you have plenty of Italians wanting to come out. Have any of them been to the UK before and are they expecting to stay at your house?

K in Modena Jul 3rd 2010 7:49 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
Thanks ladies.

I guess I'll try 37100's suggestion of washing it lots and if that doesn't work I'll go with putting something on underneath or only having it on for a few mins! Dina are those cotton bib things about the same shape as the camicietta then? I was told, though, that it goes "directly on the skin" and also I'm assuming it'll be boiling mid-Aug so don't want to stick too many layers on the poor little soul! All the in-laws live down in Basilicata (thankfully!) so MIL wouldn't actually know what I did with it but I don't want to disappoint DH or make it look like I don't appreciate his mother's gift.

Lorna, I got a boxed set of booties too (also from MIL), I had no idea what to do with them as they're so posh and anyway as I say I reckon it'll be too hot for footwear. But maybe I can just keep them in their box for luck? Also have the most impractically posh silk bib with lace trim in the same set. Perhaps I'll just keep it all carefully to show her what Nonna bought her when she was born.

Selinuntina, I thought I remembered you were due around the same time as me! What's your name on the other site? (or send me a message if you don't want to say). It's going OK with the in-laws for now thanks but as I say, they're a long way away! Had MIL here for a few days recently and that was mostly fine, I think she's an atypical southern Mamma as in she believes in leaving the parents to take decisions about their own children and tries not to interfere too much. Generally gently disagreeing with her can do the trick! I know my FIL is going to be a nightmare though. He is already being blamed for destroying my SIL's marriage due to his interference since she had her baby, which I think is a little harsh but it gives you an idea of what he's like. DH says he's going to tell them we don't want visitors for the first month which seems too good to be true so we'll see!

Patty, thank you :)

Speaking of coping in the heat, it's mid-30s here and not fun at all with the famous Modena humidity, but mostly I'm starting to panic about keeping the baby cool (this is my first so I don't really know what I'm doing!) It was so hot last night despite having the fan on. The air con is very half-hearted so I don't bother with it much and anyway of course DH says it's bad for the baby! Any tips?

Thanks again :)

dina1965 Jul 3rd 2010 8:10 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
Yes, I think it is - shaped like a waistcoat but to be worn back to front so the stomach is covered and the back is bare.
as for keeping the baby cool, I'm sorry no real tips - but I'm sure you'll work it out. All the worries that come to mind during the last few weeks of pregnancy tend to fade when the baby arrives and common sense/mother's instinct comes into play.

Lorna at Vicenza Jul 3rd 2010 8:28 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
Hi K,

If MIL won't be there just stick the lucky shirt thing on the baby - take loads of photos and then take it off the baby and put some nice cool cotton on her.
Tell MIL you loved it and thanks a lot then put it away.
Buy a little box for "baby's first souvenirs" and then stick the lucky shirt in there.

It will be too hot for the little bootees and I never ever used the woolen ones but I got some nice cotton crochet type ones and also some sweet, really soft velvety type ones. Chloe wore them a few times with a short legged romper suit thing in the September evenings if we were out with the pram and then I washed them and put them in her souvenir box. There's also a champagne cork in there, her first very soft hairbrush, her number 1 first birthday candle, her first tiny weeny pair of walking shoes and some other stuff.

The hospital staff might plague you about not bathing the baby until the umbilical scab drops off (they'll plague you about keeping it clean and dry too) but when Alex was born in June we were in the middle of an awful heatwave and I started bathing him as soon as we got home because when I picked him up from the pram there was a perfect head shaped wet patch on the sheet where the little lamb had been sweating so I started to dip him in a tepid sink full of water every evening ......... not a proper bath - more of a quick dip in and a drizzle of water over head and neck to cool him down and rinse him off. My bathroom sink is a huge Italian rounded bowl shaped one and it was a perfect baby bath size. It worked a treat and never made his umbilical scab go soft, soggy or drop off too early.

Be prepared for old biddies to grab hold of your baby's naked feet and tell you she's cold. Just don't listen to them. Go with your own instincts and you'll get the hang of it. They grow so quickly anyway summer will be over before you know it. The baby is coming after the worst of the summer heat - you'll be the one huffing and puffing in it with all that baby weight you're carrying around.

Patty Jul 3rd 2010 8:31 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
My first baby was born in Milan, end July (about 36° & high humidity) and I didnt have a clue :unsure: When I was leaving the hospital with baby all dressed in her new pink vest/dress etc a nurse stopped me and asked me ' Signora - are you hot today?' and so I said yes of course - then she smiled and said 'well if you're hot then so is your baby - whatever we feel they feel the same but about 1 or 2° less and thats all, so if I were you I'd strip all off except her vest' Anyway - I was really grateful for that advice and I never forgot it :)

Lorna at Vicenza Jul 3rd 2010 8:35 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
She was a wise nurse Patty - she should have been around all over Italy to tell all the other mums that kids don't need wrapping up in 6 layers of clothes.

Patty Jul 3rd 2010 8:58 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns

Originally Posted by Lorna at Vicenza (Post 8676378)
She was a wise nurse Patty - she should have been around all over Italy to tell all the other mums that kids don't need wrapping up in 6 layers of clothes.

You're so right :D Mind you - I often got accosted by old biddies in Milan telling me she was underdressed, or without a hat she would get ill and once when I had the transparent rain cover on the pram an old biddy went mad at me and told me that the baby cant breathe :eek: So be prepared K and be ready to do battle :)

Lorna at Vicenza Jul 3rd 2010 9:01 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
and on the days when you just don't have the strength to face them, just say "si si si Signora" and walk away from them and get on with it all your own way.

37100 Jul 3rd 2010 9:15 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
Oh yes. If MIL isn't going to be there. Lots of photo's in Daddies arms for MIL to show friends. Mine was a bib like thing in cotton, but it was far too small. Didn't even cover his belly button - mortal sin. I was lucky because our hairdresser had given it to me and not one of the family.
Took my son out the first time when he was less than week old. This was when a lot of people still waited until after baptizing. And it was snowing.:D My mum - an East Ender- was with me and she was most annoyed because people kept stopping us and looking in the pram ( and giving advice:(), but they didn't 'cross his palm with silver'.:D

selinuntina Jul 3rd 2010 9:31 pm

Re: Camicietta della fortuna for newborns
K - My name is Michymama on the other forum. Did u hear about that lady who posted she'd had her baby ay 30 weeks then suddenly her account got deleted and everyone thinks she was telling fibs about everything from the start !! Bizzare !
Good luck with the interfering Italians, sounds like ur MIL won't be too much of a problem but believe me there'll be plenty of starngers telling u what to do etc. When DD was born the midwife kept harrassing me to get her ears pierced, which I refused to do ! It really annnoyed the Sicilians and one day my english friend had taken her for a walk and a lady had a peak in the pram. She was dressed head to toe in pink, the lady said "oh maschio o femmina??" My astonished friend told her a girl as she was dressed in pink but the woman just said "oh well she's not got her ear pierced so I couldn't tell " :huh:
Can't remember now who asked about relatives coming over, sorry, pregnancy brain but ..... they all came over for my wedding 11 years ago which was hilarious and dh's auntie came for a week about 8 years ago. I don't mind my sister and brother in law, we all get along well (this is the nice normal brother in law with nice hair and non orange trousers) and I know my sister in law will actually be more help than hinderance. DH's auntie, well I'll just bite my tongue for a week :p

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