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yasmin111 Feb 4th 2011 9:13 am

Re: Spouse Visa Circle
Hi, just a quick question please - my husband should qualify for the permanent spouse visa, we have been married 8 years and have 2 children & I have kept every bit of paperwork for the past 10 years but how long does the permanent visa last? We aren't looking to move to Australia permanently for now but go for at least 3-4 months each year. Thanks:)

njbrown Feb 4th 2011 9:20 am

Re: Spouse Visa Circle
Hi Mark, I sent the family application away last week as well. I have noticed on here they are taking approx 5 months. Waiting to see the timeline for the last one granted. We were quoted 5 to 6 months by CO. Can always live in hope that they start coming through earlier. We were hoping to go over when the kids finish school the end of June but that could be cutting things fine. Good luck with your application. Nicola

Ravvers Feb 4th 2011 9:55 am

Re: Spouse Visa Circle

Originally Posted by yasmin111 (Post 9152943)
Hi, just a quick question please - my husband should qualify for the permanent spouse visa, we have been married 8 years and have 2 children & I have kept every bit of paperwork for the past 10 years but how long does the permanent visa last? We aren't looking to move to Australia permanently for now but go for at least 3-4 months each year. Thanks:)

Don't quote me on this, but I think you have to validate the visa within a year, and you have to make the permanent move within 5 years.

And whilst I'm on here, CONGRATS to those that have just been granted their visas. I'm submitting my spouse visa next week, so hope to be able to say my visa has been granted sometime in the months to come :-)

Yidmister Feb 4th 2011 9:38 pm

Re: Spouse Visa Circle

Originally Posted by Mazza12 (Post 9152669)
Congratulations - brilliant news to get PR too! :thumbsup: Can you share your timeline with us please?

Thanks Mazza,

For those of you that are interested here is my time line:-

Application sent 16 September 2010
C/O Assigned 23 September
Medical and Police checks sent 14 October
Visa Granted (SubClass 100) 4 February 2011.

Mazza12 Feb 4th 2011 11:36 pm

Re: Spouse Visa Circle

Originally Posted by Yidmister (Post 9153839)
Thanks Mazza,

For those of you that are interested here is my time line:-

Application sent 16 September 2010
C/O Assigned 23 September
Medical and Police checks sent 14 October
Visa Granted (SubClass 100) 4 February 2011.

Thanks for the info. I am a couple of weeks later than you so hopefully I'll be soon! I'm getting excited now :D

Priority Paul Feb 4th 2011 11:36 pm

Re: Spouse Visa Circle
Thanks for that Yidmeister,

I'm in the waiting process too. Handed my application in on the 21st of december, C/O allocated on the 6th of jan. Application wasn't front loaded so got that all in by 25th jan, confirmed all received by the 2nd feb and now the real wait starts.

Hoping for PR in the first instance since my Aussie wife and I have been together for over five years and have plenty of evidence to prove it.

I was interested to read that your application wasn't front loaded.

I would also be interested to know what difference front loading the application actually makes.

From what i've been reading on this thread it seems to be implied that there is a reasonable difference in the waiting period for approval between applications that are front loaded and those that are not. Who knows!

Anyway, the very best of luck with your move.

Lucky Bugger!!!

Mazza12 Feb 4th 2011 11:39 pm

Re: Spouse Visa Circle

Originally Posted by Sparky33 (Post 9152845)
Hey Everyone,

Just thought I'd say hello and introduce myself.

I sent my subclass 300 application in last week. I've had my medical and got all police checks uk, Ire and Aus all sent together.

My Credit Card has already been deducted the full visa amount. Just thought I'd start a timeline.

Hs anyone received approval within 5 months??



Hi Mark

The last 2 visa grants on this thread have been granted around 4.5 - 5 months so they do seem to be trying to process them in this timeframe.

Good Luck with your application :)

Yidmister Feb 5th 2011 7:21 am

Re: Spouse Visa Circle

Originally Posted by Priority Paul (Post 9154033)
Thanks for that Yidmeister,

I'm in the waiting process too. Handed my application in on the 21st of december, C/O allocated on the 6th of jan. Application wasn't front loaded so got that all in by 25th jan, confirmed all received by the 2nd feb and now the real wait starts.

Hoping for PR in the first instance since my Aussie wife and I have been together for over five years and have plenty of evidence to prove it.

I was interested to read that your application wasn't front loaded.

I would also be interested to know what difference front loading the application actually makes.

From what i've been reading on this thread it seems to be implied that there is a reasonable difference in the waiting period for approval between applications that are front loaded and those that are not. Who knows!

Anyway, the very best of luck with your move.

Lucky Bugger!!!

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the Congrats. We made the decision not to front load, no real reason we did it that way, it just happened. If I am honest I dont think it makes a great deal of difference. I still think the current processing time line is about 5 months give or take a few weeks which ever way you choose. Good luck with your application and I will keep you all informed as to how our move goes. Fingers crossed for everyone waiting. See you in Australia!

SillyOldBag Feb 5th 2011 10:02 am

Re: Spouse Visa Circle
Frontloading used to be beneficial in the glory days of visas being granted in a matter of days/weeks. Now that they are taking several months to grant then perhaps it isn't always the best idea to frontload as it reduces the time you would have to make your first entry to Australia.

Priority Paul Feb 5th 2011 8:41 pm

Re: Spouse Visa Circle
Yeah that makes sense. I didn't know wether or not to front load the application initially but ended up not doing so since the application instructions advised against it.

My C/O asked me submit the pol check and meds as soon as he made contact which I did straight away and I got them in in a matter of weeks. I'm hoping this wont delay anything but if it has its only by a few weeks which for some people in our situation can seem like months but in the grand scheme of things is nothing.

Good luck to all the hopefuls,

I'll keep you updated on the timeline as things happen.


bizeedi Feb 8th 2011 1:35 am

Re: Spouse Visa Circle
Hi all,
I hope someone can offer me some advice.
I'm australian and have a british partner of 17 years and we have 2 children (15 & 12 years) together, living in the UK.

We are wanting to move permantly to Australia. Myself and the children have Oz passports so we are ok. Originally I and the children were going to Australia ahead of my partner as i had a job offer (he was going apply for his visa before me leaving and follow us out after Christmas 2011).

Now my job offer has fallen through and my partners work has changed, so my question is, can my partner come out to Australia wth us and apply for his spouse visa while in Australia? If this is possible I assume he couldn't work while awaiting a decision.

If it is possible for him to do that would he come out on a tourist visa then apply once there, or would he inform customs on arrival that he intends to apply for a spouse visa.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks, Di

Kamie26 Feb 8th 2011 8:50 am

Re: Spouse Visa Circle

Originally Posted by bizeedi (Post 9161765)
Hi all,
I hope someone can offer me some advice.
I'm australian and have a british partner of 17 years and we have 2 children (15 & 12 years) together, living in the UK.

We are wanting to move permantly to Australia. Myself and the children have Oz passports so we are ok. Originally I and the children were going to Australia ahead of my partner as i had a job offer (he was going apply for his visa before me leaving and follow us out after Christmas 2011).

Now my job offer has fallen through and my partners work has changed, so my question is, can my partner come out to Australia wth us and apply for his spouse visa while in Australia? If this is possible I assume he couldn't work while awaiting a decision.

If it is possible for him to do that would he come out on a tourist visa then apply once there, or would he inform customs on arrival that he intends to apply for a spouse visa.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks, Di

While its technically possible, the rules state that he has to apply off shore. He wouldn't get into the country on a tourist visa if he declared that his intent in traveling was to apply for a visa while there. That means that he would have to lie and say that he was there for a holiday and that would be pretty hard to do with his wife, children and all their worldly possessions in tow. Its also not really a good idea to lie to the people whom you have to show good character to. Its also possible if you got caught, he could face a three year ban from entering Australia at all.

Not saying that you would lie, just giving you the whole picture as I understand it.:)

Its just better to follow their rules, especially since the spouse visa processing time is quoted as six months but people seem to be getting them in around five. If you applied within the next couple of weeks he could possibly have his visa July / August time.

bizeedi Feb 8th 2011 10:35 am

Re: Spouse Visa Circle
Thanks for your reply and advice. :)

Making a lie is not something that we would ever consider doing, our future in Australia together is far too importnant for that. I just needed to know if applying once in Oz was an option before getting the ball rolling here in the UK.

Thanks again, Di

Pollyana Feb 8th 2011 5:01 pm

Re: Spouse Visa Circle continued - Dec 2010 onwards
This is a continuation of the Spouse Visa Circle thread which had grown very large and due to its age contains a lot of outdated info.

The old thread is here - and the last few pages have been used to start this one.

Ravvers Feb 11th 2011 9:26 pm

Spouse Visa Application (subclass 309 and 100) sent in
No turning back now, I've gone and done it and sent in my visa application. It will arrive on Monday so now it is the waiting game. My husband copied all the forms and evidence for me at work and said it was approx. 350 page in total. Let's hope they think that is enough as I never want to look at anymore paperwork again!!

I'll let you know what timeframe they are giving on processing times once I hear back from them.


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