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[misc.immigration.canada] Frequently Asked Questions (02/98)


[misc.immigration.canada] Frequently Asked Questions (02/98)

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Old Dec 13th 2002, 8:16 pm
Neyir Cenk Gokce
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Default [misc.immigration.canada] Frequently Asked Questions (02/98)

Archive-name: canada/immigration/english-faq
Version: 1.0
Last-Modified: Feb 8, 1998
Posting-Frequency: monthly (every 16th)
Summary: Please read this FAQ before posting to the newsgroup. Thank you.

[misc.immigration.canada] Frequently Asked Questions
Neyir Cenk Gokce
The latest edition of this FAQ is posted to the newsgroup
misc.immigration.canada on the 16th (mostly) of every month.

An HTML version of the FAQ is available at:

Version: 1.0 [February 1998]=09


This article is provided as is without any express or implied warranties.
While every effort has been taken to ensure that the accuracy of the
information contained in this article, the maintainer and/or the
assume(s) no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages=
from the use of the information contianed herein. =20



Subject: 0. Introduction and Intent

The intent of this FAQ is to provide the posters and lurkers of the
misc.immigration.canada newsgroup useful introductory information about the
newsgroup, and the answers to some of the questions that crop up
frequently. This FAQ is not meant to replace any of the more detailed and
specific FAQs available elsewhere, nor does it intend to discourage
questions in the subjects it covers. It is at best a collection of
pointers to where you can find information and has general interest
questions--if you cannot find the answer to your question, you are always
welcome to ask it of the group.

A word of advice: Try to be as specific as possible when asking your
questions (so as to avoid wasting bandwidth asking for clarifications) and
please choose descriptive subject lines for your post. For questions you
might consider prefacing it with [Q]: but as with everything else in this
advice, this is not compulsory. I would advise you to avoid subject
lines like "Help!!" "Experts please help!!" "Canadian Immigration" "Mr. X,
I need your help" "question"--these are very general and uninformative.
Better specify the *nature* of the help you need, eg. "Help on NOC
definition" "[Q]: Buffalo processing times?" "Sponsoring parents info
needed" etc. for faster results and out of simple courtesy for the people
who read all of the messages in the newsgroup day after day. Thank you!


Subject: 1 Charter of [misc.immigration.canada] newsgroup

The misc.immigration.canada newsgroup is a group on everything about
Canadian immigration issues (ie. Canadian visas, permanent residency, and
Please observe all usenet netiquette. Since these are immigration
newsgroups please avoid putting (excessive) advertisements that could=20
irritate the readers.

Readers: 13000 (0.2%) {57%} Mesgs per month/day: 1147/38 {70%}
Crossposting: 10% {40%} Megs per month/day: 2.3/0.077 {76%}
Sites reciving this Group: 51% Cost ratio ($US/month/rdr): 0.08

(from the Usenet Newsgroup Information Center=20


Subject: 2. Table of Contents

0. Introduction and Intent=20
1. Charter of [misc.immigration.canada] newsgroup
2. Table of Contents
3. misc.immigration.canada--an introduction
4. What are some starting points about immigrating to Canada?
5. Can you give us an overview of the immigration process?
6. Where can I find the application forms for immigration?
7. I am an engineer/engineering technican/technologist/physician,
do I have to get accredition before immigration?
8. What is the address of the relevant professional organization=20
for assessment of professional qualifications (CCPE/CCTT/CMA)?
9. Where can I find the General Occupations List (GOL)?
10. What is the National Occupational Classification (NOC)=20
and where can I find the NOC descriptions?
11. Can I apply for the SIN and provincial health insurance=20
before landing?
12. Can I change the province/city I intend to land?
13. Can I practice another profession than my "Intended Occupation"?
14. What is Language Instruction For Newcomers (LINC)?
15. Where can I find the list of Medical Practioners approved by CIC?
16. My wife is pregnant, does she also have to get the x-rays=20
for the medicals?
17. My dependants will not be accompanying me to Canada,=20
do I have to include them in my application?
18. I have to go back to my/a third country to finish my
school/contract/work, can I do it?
19. Can I be a Canadian PR and hold a US Green Card at the same time?
20. I have a car and I want to import it into Canada, can I do it?
21. Can I change my US/UK/ Driver's Licence for a=20
Canadian DL?
22. What is the 183 Day rule?
23. How long will it take to become a Canadian Citizen?
24. How much money should I bring to Canada?
25. Can I retire and move to Canada?
26. How can I maintain my Canadian residency even if I am=20
outside Canada?
27. Is the 183 rule 183 days in a year, or is it 183 days in any=20
consequitive 12 months?
28. What is a Returning Resident Permit (RRP)?
29. Will my child have Canadian Citizenship if born in Canada?
30. I have changed/renewed my passport, what do I do with my=20
record of landing?
31. I have been called to an interview. There is a list of=20
original documents I am asked to take, some of which I already=20
provided. What do I do?
32. I am a Canadian PR. Do I need a visa to go to the US?
33. I am a Canadian PR. Can I work in the US? What about NAFTA?
34. Is there an immigration quota of the Canadian Government?
35. Can I apply for a visitor's visa/employement authorization=20
while my PR application is in process?
36. When should I pay the Right of Landing Fee (ROLF)?

97. Are there other FAQs and information resources about=20
immigration to Canada?
98. Glossary of Frequently Used Acronyms=20
99. Disclaimer and Credits=20


Subject: 3. misc.immigration.canada--an introduction

The newsgroup misc.immigration.canada has been created in
September/November 1994, the rationale behind the move was as presented=

"The only newsgroup which is carrying discussions about (USA) immigration
issues is alt.visa.us. However, there is no such news- group in the
mainstream hierarchies. There has been a lot of discussions and enquiries
about Canadian immigration issues in alt.visa.us, which is not the
appropriate newsgroup, but since there is no such newsgroup as
alt.visa.canada the discussions are taking place in the alt.visa.us=
Citizens of any other countries who also have questions about immigration
issues in, say, an Asian country, do not have a place to address them.=20

Several new newsgroups are therefore needed to discuss immigration issues,
like how to obtain visas, permanent residency, and citizenship, for all
countries in the world, beside the USA and Canada. It is hoped that in the
future any questions regarding these issues could be addressed in the
appropriate place.=20

Rather than making a new alt.visa newsgroup for Canada or for other
countries separately, it is a better idea to create several newsgroups in
the big seven hierarchies according to the following schemes: USA, Canada,
and misc. At this moment all other countries except the USA and Canada are
represented in the proposed misc.immigration.misc newsgroup."

The full text of the RFD for the misc.immigration groups can be found at
the URL:
[from rufinus(at)mbe.ece.wisc.edu (Jeffrey Rufinus)]


Subject: 4. What are some starting points about immigrating to Canada?

Where do I start?
I want to immigrate to Canada, what should I do first?
I am in love with a Canadian, how can I become a Canadian?

are some of the most common questions the denizens of
misc.immigration.canada are confronted with. Although most people are
happy to oblige and point you to the right place, it would be best if you
check the relevant information already available on the net and ask your
more specific questions on the newsgroup, which is bound to help you
considerably more than the vague questions that are exemplified above.

The Canadian Government's Citizenship and Immigration Department [CIC] has
a bi-lingual web site at:

For immigration to Quebec, the Quebec Provincial Government has a french
language web site at:

You might also find the answers to these questions in the resources listed
in section 97. under "Other FAQs and Information sources on immigration to
Canada" and the dejanews archives of the newsgroup,
misc.immigration.canada. If you need help with accessing dejanews
archives, there is a dejanews help page available at the URL:=20


Subject: 5. Can you give us an overview of the immigration process?

The Canadian Immigration process is explained at the CIC site mentioned in
section 4 and also in the various Canadian Immigration FAQs cited in
section 97. If we try to simplfy it, it consists of a paper screening
phase, in which the documentation required by the local consulate/embassy
are assessed using the criteria determined by the Canadian Government [in
the case of applicants headed for Quebec, by the Quebec Provincial
Government] which employ a point grading system. After the points are
calculated, you might or might not be called for an interview. A positive
interview result, or an interview waiver will get you to the medicals check
phase, to ensure that you do not have any illnesses that can threaten the
Canadian populace and/or have ailments that would make you a burden on the
Canadian Health System. A positive medical result will lead to an
immigrants visa for you and your dependants. Please note that this
overview is necessarily over-simplified and you are welcome to visit any of
the numerous Canadian immigration lawyer sites and the FAQs [section 9x] to
get a more in depth explanation.

If you want to settle in Quebec, contact the Quebec Immigration Office
responsible for processing applications for nationals from your country The
responsible office will send you a Demande de certificat de s=E9lection=
to be completed and returned to the appropriate address. If your
application is approved, you will be issued a Certificat de s=E9lection du
Qu=E9bec (CSQ).=20


Subject: 6. Where can I find the application forms for immigration?

You will find application forms from the nearest Canadian Embassy and
consulate. This is the recommended way of obtaining the forms, since
althought the basic forms are universal, each consular post has different
supplementary forms and/or information which is country/region specific.
The CIC site has some of these forms in PDF format at the URL: =09


Subject: 7. I am an engineer/engineering technican/technologist/physician,
do I have to get accredition before immigration?

There are some professions that are regulated in Canada, ie, you need to be
licensed to practice by provincial authorities to practice. Engineers,
engineering technicians and technologists and physicans are among these.
You have to get your qualifications assessed for immigration purposes by
the relevant accredition body before your immigration request could be


Subject: 8. What is the address of the relevant professional organization=
for assessment of professional qualifications (CCPE/CCTT/CMA)?

The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers=20
Informal Assesment Program=20
Suite 401, 116 Albert Street=20
Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3=20

Tel: +1 (613) 232-2474 Fax: +1 (613) 230-5759=20

The Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists=20
285 McLeod Street=20
2nd Floor=20
Ottawa ON K2P 1A1=20

Tel: +1 (613) 238-8123 Fax: +1 (613) 238-8822=20

Medical Council of Canada
Box 8234
Ottawa, ON KlG 3H7
Tel: +1 (613) 521-6012 Fax: +1 (613) 521-9417


Subject: 9. Where can I find the General Occupations List (GOL)?

The General Occupations List can be found at the URL,=20

An Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version is also available at:


Subject: 10. What is the National Occupational Classification (NOC)=20
and where can I find the NOC descriptions?

The National Occupational Classification is a systematic classification of
occupations, based on extensive occupational research, analysis and
conducted throughout Canada. and it has replaced the outdated
Classification and=20
Dictionary of Occupations in immigration matters effective from May 1, 1997.
The NOC descriptions can be accessed on-line at the URL:


Subject: 11. Can I apply for the SIN and provincial health insurance before

For Canadian Permanent Residence applicants, it is not possible to apply for=
the SIN before completing the landing formalities. Similarly, provincial
insurance cannot be applied for before landing and even after landing you
be able to demonstrate that you are a resident of the province (ie. rent
mailing address (no PO Boxes), utility bills etc.) Most provincial health
have a waiting period of 3 months before they cover you, so it is best if=
apply for the health plan of your province as soon as possible after
landing. =20
People who have been inside Canada prior to landing, either on student or
authorizations may already have SINs and/or may be covered by the Health
please check with your provincial authorities.


Subject: 12. Can I change the province/city I intend to land?

For applicants in the skilled worker category, you do not have to land in=
city and/or province that you have indicated in your IMM008 form. There IS
caveat, however. If you have indicated a non-Quebec destination but try to
in Quebec, you might have problems at the border, since Quebec has the
authority to choose its own immigrants, and has a slightly different
procedure. If you do have to land in Quebec without a CSQ, you should be
able to
show that you are continuing on to a destination outside Quebec. Evidence
for this
can be in form of an ongoing airline ticket, a lease, an off-Quebec job
offer, etc.
Landing in Victoria, BC, while your intended destination had been Toronto,=
however, will not present you with a problem. The exception to this is
Class/Entetrpreneur applicants, since the minimum investment conditions on
granting of such visas differ from province to province.


Subject: 13. Can I practice another profession than my "Intended=

Yes, and furthermore, you might find that you could not practice your
intended occupation right from the outset of your entrance to Canada, since
some professions require licensing, and you would need to re-qualify in the
province of your residence to practice your profession. Otherwise, there
is no compulsion with regard to your occupation.


Subject: 14. What is Language Instruction For Newcomers (LINC)?

For immigrants and their dependants who are not proficient in one or both
of the offical languages of Canada, English and French, or for those who
want to improve their language skill, the Canadian Government has a
Language Instruction For Newcomers (LINC) program. Information about the
program can be obtained from the CIC website, at the URL:


Subject: 15. Where can I find the list of Medical Practioners approved by=

The list is available at the CIC website, at the URL:


Subject: 16. My wife is pregnant, does she also have to get the x-rays for
the medicals?

Since X-rays can have a damaging effect on the developing foetus, the
medical examinations of your wife will most probably be postponed, with the
inevitable delays any postponement will cause, since you will not be issued
a visa without first having completed the medicals.


Subject: 17. My dependants will not be accompanying me to Canada,=20
do I have to include them in my application?

Any dependents you have should go through the medical and criminal checks,
and they should be included in your application even if they are not
accompanying you at this time. If any of your dependants (accompanying or=
non-accompanying) should happen to fail in the medical or security checks,
all the applications will normally be rejected.


Subject: 18. I have to go back to my/a third country to finish my
school/contract/work, can I do it?=20

This is of course possible, but beware of the so-called 183 rule. If you
need more time, you might choose to apply for a Returning Resident Permit
(RRP), so as not to lose your Canadian PR status. Finishing advanced
studies, contract work, liquidating your assets, or an illness in the
family are all acceptable reasons for leaving Canada temporarily and will
not have an adverse effect on your PR, provided that the absence is not
very long and/or the reasons for leaving are well documented and the PR=20
returns to Canada soon after the completion of the reason for being abroad.


Subject: 19. Can I be a Canadian PR and hold a US Green Card at the same=
Yes, but not indefinitely. One cannot be a permanent resident in two
countries at the same time, so sooner or later you'd have to choose one of
the countries in question. Having a US Green Card, applying to the DV
lotteries etc. does not effect your eligibility and ultimate acquistion of
Canadian PR.


Subject: 20. I have a car and I want to import it into Canada, can I do it?

In general, the vehicles to be imported to Canada has to meet some uniquely
Canadian standards. Not all cars manufactured in the USA, let alone other
parts of the worlds, do or could be made to conform to these standards.
So, before deciding to import your car into Canada, you should check with
the Registrar of Imported Vehicles. You can reach the RIV at:


RIV also has a web site with information about specific canadian
requirements on cars at: =20


Subject: 21. Can I change my US/UK/ Driver's Licence for a
Canadian DL?

Driver's licenses are under provincial juridisction, but generally
speaking, you'd have to pass a driving test and surrender your out of
province driving licence to get a Canadian one. Depending on the province,
you can drive with your out of province DL for a period of 2 to 3 months.
There is an Ontario government Drivers and Vehicles FAQ at the URL:


Subject 22. What is the 183 Day rule?=20

The so-called 183-day rule is the requirement for a landed immigrant of
Canada to spend less than 6 months in any given 12 month period. Staying
outside the country for more than 183 days might be interpreted by the
Canadian authorities as the abondanment of Canada as a place of residence
and might cause problems when you try to re-enter Canada after a long
absence. One way to avoid this is to obtain a Returning Resident Permit.
(section 28)=20

A person will lose permanent resident status in Canada if and when he
abandons Canada as his permanent home. A PR who remains outside of
Canada for many years (such as one attending school abroad) will
not lose PR status, if he still maintains Canada as his home.
Conversely, a PR who moves out of Canada without any intentions
of returning or maintaining his permanent home there loses his PR status
the day that he leaves.

The 183 day rule is used to determine who has the responsibility of
proving that a permanent resident has or has not abandoned Canada.
When a PR has been out of Canada for less than 183 days in any 12
month period, normally the burden of proving that PR status has been
lost falls on the Canadian government. The government would have to
be able to clearly show that the person in question left Canada
and had no intentions of returning or retaining his PR status.

When a person is outside of Canada for more than 183 days in any
12 month period, the burden shifts from the government to the
immigrant. He would have to be able to show that he has not
abandoned Canada as his permanent home. Some of the ways that
a person can show that he has not abandoned Canada include
(but are not limited to): Maintaining a house/apartment in Canada or
having immediate family members in Canada (and returning to visit them
when possible), maintaining bank accounts, NOT declaring yourself to be
a resident of another country, NOT declaring to anyone that you are
not a resident of Canada, continuing to file Canadian tax returns,
maintaining a Canadian issued driver's license, and finally, obtaining
a Returning Resident Permit. Caution should be noted that a Returning
Resident Permit is not a guarantee, and that if other acts performed,
or statements made by a PR indicate that a person has abandoned Canada
as his permanent home, such status could be lost despite the RRP.
Remember, the RRP is issued on the basis of what you tell the
Canadian government, but your actions will also be looked at.
"Actions speak louder than words" and they tend to carry more
weight in such decisions.
(section 28)=20

Subject: 23. How long will it take to become a Canadian Citizen?

In order to become a Canadian Citizen, you must have spent 3 years out of
the past 4 years inside Canada as a permanent resident. All time in Canada=
(during the four year period that ends on the date you make the application)=
that you spend as as a landed immigrant counts in full and all time in=
in another status (eg. on a student visa or an employement authorization)
half. Short leaves of absence, for instance vacations, are usually not=20
substracted from this time . =20

You will also have to take and pass a Citizenship Exam, after which you
swear or affirm an oath to become a citizen.


Subject: 24. How much money should I bring to Canada?

The settlement funds necessary change depending on the size of your family
and your intended destination. The latest information on the CIC site on
this subject is:

October 1997
Applicants must prove they have enough money to support themselves and
their dependants for six months after they arrive in Canada. The government
provides no financial support to new immigrants. You should research the
cost of living in the region of Canada where you intend to live. You should
take with you as much money as possible to make your initial establishment
easier. You will be required to show proof of your funds. An independent
applicant, upon entering Canada, is required to have at least CAD
$10,000.00 plus CAD $2,000.00 for each dependant.=20

A more comprehensive breakdown is available at the various Canadian
Immigration websites. (Subject 97)


Subject: 25. Can I retire and move to Canada?

Unfortunately the answer to this question is no, the retired immigration
category was discontinued in 1991. =20


Subject: 26. How can I maintain my Canadian residency even if I am outside

There are ways to do that, for example working for a foreign subsidiary of
a Canadian company and maintaining a pied-a-terre in Canada. Detailed
information about maintaining your Canadian residency can be obtained at
the URL (c) Timothy E. Leahy:


Subject: 27. Is the 183 rule 183 days in a year, or is it 183 days in=20
any consequitive 12 months?

The 183 days are calculated on the basis of 12 month periods, so, for
instance, being about of the country for 180 days as of December 1997, you
have 3 days left, not a brand new 183 days on January 1, 1998. If you have
to stay out of the country for more than 183 days in any given 12 month
period, you might consider applying for a Returning Resident Permit.=20


Subject: 28. What is a Returning Resident Permit (RRP)?

If immigrants are out of Canada for more than six months in any 12-month
period, they will require a Returning Resident Permit to re-enter Canada.
While such permits can be applied for either in Canada or overseas, they
can only be applied for after the individual has been landed. A Returning
Resident Permit is useful in that it shows the immigrant has not abondoned
Canada as his/her place of residence. For absences shorter than 6 months,
there is no need for an RRP.


Subject: 29. Will my child have Canadian Citizenship if born in Canada?

As long as the parents of the child are not in Canada as diplomats
a foreign country, the child automatically receives Canadian Citizenship at
birth. =20
This applies all children born in Canada, regardless of the parents'
status in Canada. =20


Subject: 30. I have changed/renewed my passport, what do I do with my=20
record of landing?
Although the Record of Landing includes your passport number, it is not=20
necessary or possible to obtain a new Record of Landing to go with your
new passport. Simply unstaple the Record of Landing from your old passport
and staple it to your new passport.


Subject: 31. I have been called to an interview. There is a list of=20
original documents I am asked to take, some of which I already=20
provided. What do I do?

You probably received a pre-printed general purpose form. Do not worry, you=
do not have to obtain any original documents you have already given. Simply
take xeroxes (photocopies) of the original documents you have provided and
the originals of the documents you have provided as xeroxes (photocopies).


Subject: 32. I am a Canadian PR. Do I need a visa to go to the US?

Being a Canadian PR does not, in itself, provide you with special status
with respect to the US authorities. There are two groups of people who
can enter the US without a visa: Landed Immigrants who ALSO are the citizens
of a Country in the Commonwealth (or Ireland), and citizens of countries=20
participating in the Visa Waiver Pilot Program (VWPP).

To enter the US under the exemption for Commonwealth (or Irish) citizens,=20
a person must present his passport and proof of his Landed Immigrant status,=
at the port of entry.

To enter the US under the VWPP, a person must present his passport, a=20
return transportation ticket good for travel within 90 days (if entering by
If entering by car, no return ticket is required), and a completed I-94W=20
(visa waiver arrival/departure)form .
For more information about the VWPP and currently participating countries,
please see the US State Department site:


Subject: 33. I am a Canadian PR. Can I work in the US? What about NAFTA?

The provisions of the NAFTA agreement are applicable to Canadian Citizens
only, thus
being a Canadian Permanent Resident does not by default make you eligible
to work in
the US. Under certain circumstances, Canadian PRs can get an L-1
transferee) visa but please check with the relevant immigration authorities
countries about the specifics, especially about retaining your residency in

There is a Canada-to-US immigration site that has information about all
types of visas
Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents can get to the US under the NAFTA
at the URL:

Additionally, you can consult the part 4 of the US Immigration FAQ about US
visas for=20
Canadian Citizens at the URL:


Subject: 34. Is there an immigration quota of the Canadian Government?

No. The Canadian Government annualy publishes the immigration targets for
the following=20
year, but an offical cut-off point or quota on the applications does not


Subject: 35. Can I apply for a visitor's visa/employement authorization=20
while my PR application is in process?

Yes. This is called Dual Intent and is permissible as long as the visa=
is convinced of the temporary nature of the visit. Be warned, however,
that if you=20
are on a visitor's visa and you have not received your PR visa when the
visa expires, you might be denied a visa extension. Working in Canada,
under the NAFTA provisions or on an employement authorization during PR=20
application is possible.


Subject: 36. When should I pay the Right Of Landing Fee (ROLF)?

Since April 1997, the CIC permits the ROLF to be paid at any time during
the application
process, not necessarily at the first application stage. The ROLF,
however, has to
be paid before the issuing of the PR visa.


Subject: 97. Other FAQs and Information sources on Immigration to Canada

There are a number of FAQs and other information related resources on the
web about Immigration to Canada and for the newcomers in the Great White
North. These are listed in alphabetical order of host names.

Canadian Immigration Handbook
Canadian Jobs Resource
Campbell, Cohen, Attorneys
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CICNet Publications Index
Canadians Resident Abroad
Law Offices of Guidy Mamann
Moving to Series of Periodicals
Canadian Citizenship & Immigration Resource Center
The Bans' Guide To Toronto
NCG's Canada --=

Toronto Immigration
Mailing List Homepage


Subject: 98. Glossary of Frequently Used Acronyms

Not knowing the acronyms of things might make some of our answers in the
newsgroup well nigh unintelligable. So, here are a few acronyms used in
this newsgroup.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
APC: Area Processing Center
CCDO: Canadian Classification and Dictionary of Occupations=20
(replaced by the NOC since May 1, '97)
CCPE: Canadian Council of Professional Engineers
CCTT: Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists
CIC: Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CMA: Canadian Medical Association
CSQ: Certification du Selection Quebec -- Quebec Selection Certificate
GOL: General Occupations List
GST: General Sales Tax
HC, H&C: Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds
HRDC: Human Resources Development Canada.
IMM008: Immigration form # IMM008
(the form for application for permanent residency in Canada)
IT: Information Technology
LICO: Low Income Cut-Off
LINC: Language Instruction For Newcomers
NOC: National Occupational Classification
OHIP: Ontario Health Insurance Plan
PDF: Portable Document Format, Adobe's e-document standard
PPT: Passport
PR: Permanent Resident
PST: Provincial Sales Tax
RIV: Registrar of Imported Vehicles
ROLF: Right of Landing Fee
RPC: Regional Processing Center
RRP: Returning Resident Permit
SIN: Social Insurance Number


Subject: 99. Disclaimer and Credits

This FAQ wouldn't be possible without the information provided already on
this newsgroup. The below list is by no means complete, since
[misc.immigration.canada] is one lucky newsgroup that has many people who
has contributed to it their valuable experiences and knowledge. The names
are listed in alphabethical order by surname. This list is far from=
and does not include people who EXPLICITLY chose not to be included in the
list, though their contibutions to the newsgroup are no less than those=20
listed below.

Ron Beirnes=20
Donald Cameron=20
David Cohen=20
Margaret Collins=20
Stephen Gallagher
Jim Humphries=20
Carolyn Poulter

(c) copyright 1998 Neyir Cenk Gokce=20

This article is provided as is without any express or implied warranties.
While every effort has been taken to ensure that the accuracy of the
information contained in this article, the maintainer and/or the
assume(s) no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages=
from the use of the information contianed herein. =20

N. Cenk Gokce, Ankara, TR ([email protected])=20

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