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bigglesworth Nov 4th 2015 10:32 pm

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?
Eric et al in case you missed this (I confess I had) from one of my favourite commentators
Forbes Welcome

Red Eric Nov 11th 2015 5:15 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?
Thanks Biggles - yes I like her too.

On another matter - and not at all surprising - more from the dirty tricks brigade
Greek finance minister: Debt deal talks will not start before Spanish elections | Apokoronas News

GeniB Nov 13th 2015 2:51 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?
Surprised you are so impressed with her? Looking at her experience-(all 17 yrs of it in British Banking )She has been involved with some of the biggest Bank Failures of all time!
ie Nat West and RBS both failed and now 70% owned by the Government. Midland Bank ,failed now owned by HSBC .SBC Warburg which was an investment bank -became UBS which is perhaps one of the most notorious Banks of recent times,also bailed out

Can you give your reasons therefore for finding her comments so valuable ?

Maybe1day Nov 13th 2015 7:03 pm

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?

Originally Posted by Red Eric (Post 11783847)
I missed at the time. Will be interesting to see how it pans out and what implications it might have for other countries (like Portugal, which has yet to present its budget because obviously it can't under the circumstances but is being rapped over the knuckles nonetheless)

Renzi stands ready to defend 2016 proposed budget

Italy did a Chef's special on Public debt starting in June this year, a different strategy to last year but the end result will be the same. Stated PD 2.9% real 6 months later 5.6%.
They are still arguing about the Stability doc to be presented to the EU by the 15th Oct.

Garbatellamike Nov 23rd 2015 9:01 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?
I see, in an uncharacteristic burst of honesty, Varoufakis today admitted he was trying to engineer a default on debt and thereby get Greece expelled from the EZ......

InVinoVeritas Nov 23rd 2015 12:35 pm

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?
I must have missed that. I've read some of his other recent rantings. The guy is a complete loon!

Red Eric Nov 24th 2015 12:36 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?

Originally Posted by Garbatellamike (Post 11801097)
I see, in an uncharacteristic burst of honesty, Varoufakis today admitted he was trying to engineer a default on debt and thereby get Greece expelled from the EZ......

He said they should have defaulted (actually, he said that a long, long time ago in response to questions about where they / he made mistakes and is being consistent in repeating it over the past couple of days).

He did not say he wanted out of the EZ and he never has. He has always maintained that joining the EZ in the first place was an error but that once in, a country cannot leave (his Hotel California analogy was oft-quoted - I'm sure we can all remember that?).

Garbatellamike Nov 24th 2015 9:42 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?

Originally Posted by Red Eric (Post 11801559)
He said they should have defaulted (actually, he said that a long, long time ago in response to questions about where they / he made mistakes and is being consistent in repeating it over the past couple of days).

He did not say he wanted out of the EZ and he never has. He has always maintained that joining the EZ in the first place was an error but that once in, a country cannot leave (his Hotel California analogy was oft-quoted - I'm sure we can all remember that?).

I think everyone but blind euro fanatics maintain that Greece joining the EZ was an error.

He has said he wanted out but in fairness he has also said he doesn't want out...... he does have severe consistency and honesty issues, so you can probably argue it both ways.

In this case he didn't say he wanted out he said he wanted to get them thrown out, presumably to transfer blame for his own economic ineptitude to the EZ???

Red Eric Nov 24th 2015 7:35 pm

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?

Originally Posted by Garbatellamike (Post 11801961)
In this case he didn't say he wanted out he said he wanted to get them thrown out...

In which case I too missed that. Do you have a source?

Here is a direct quote from him published a couple of days ago (and I seriously doubt he would be saying anything to the contrary elsewhere):
“With the benefit of hindsight, one would always alter one’s actions. I could give a long list if I’d known in advance what was going to happen.

“But the general strategy was correct. I took over as finance minister 15 days before we went into bankruptcy. The loan was unsustainable and part of the extend and pretend policy. I was not going to be part of that and we had a tough line.

“But creditors were more interested in the demonstration effect of crashing a government for daring to oppose them so that they could intimidate others such as Spain, Ireland and France.

“Greece was treated like a pawn on a chess board so it was very hard. We had a chance [to default] and we missed it.

“We should have defaulted. They would have come around and we would have a compromise agreement, but I wasn’t allowed to use that weapon. But something will have to give. Unfortunately the resolution as it stands now is not consistent with the interests of European countries.”

Garbatellamike Nov 24th 2015 10:55 pm

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?

Originally Posted by Red Eric (Post 11802195)
Here is a direct quote from him published a couple of days ago (and I seriously doubt he would be saying anything to the contrary elsewhere):

Given he often contradicts himself, I am mildly interested to know how you generate those serious doubts?

I seriously doubt even he believes half the things he says...........

My current theory is he is so wedded to opposing austerity at all costs that he was prepared to sacrifice the whole Greek economy (and the Greek people as collateral damage) to fuel resentment against the EU/EZ and to kick start the Pan-European anti-austerity movement on the resultant wave of outrage. Thus his determined attempt to get expelled from the EZ/EU is explained. This is my current theory as I don't subscribe to either of the other views currently circulating. I.E:
a. He is the Messiah -0.1% View.
b. He is a complete raving loony - 99.9% View.
He is obviously a clever man who is up to something and not being honest about it. Time will tell but he has had his 15 mins of fame for sure.

Is he trying to get involved with Portugal's emerging anti-austerity government - do you know?

Red Eric Nov 25th 2015 12:48 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?
I'll take that as a "no" to my perfectly straightforward question and as good an illustration as I could find as to why I'm prepared to believe in his truthfulness and consistency above his detractors' accusations, based as they are on (at best) misquotes, partial quotes or embellishments (yes, Mike - embellishments ;))

Garbatellamike Nov 25th 2015 1:49 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?

Originally Posted by Red Eric (Post 11802341)
I'll take that as a "no" to my perfectly straightforward question and as good an illustration as I could find as to why I'm prepared to believe in his truthfulness and consistency above his detractors' accusations, based as they are on (at best) misquotes, partial quotes or embellishments (yes, Mike - embellishments ;))

what perfectly straightforward question Eric?

Varoufakis = truthfulness and consistency - have you been drinking? ;)

Maybe1day Nov 25th 2015 3:07 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?
I back default and Grexit, not a lingering death, Tsipris or whatever he is called betrayed the electorate. For the last 26 years I have been against the EU, but not the Common market but that is another pair of sleeves (Italian saying), kettle of fish (GB).

InVinoVeritas Nov 25th 2015 3:12 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?

Originally Posted by Garbatellamike (Post 11802286)
a. He is the Messiah -0.1% View.
b. He is a complete raving loony - 99.9% View.[/INDENT]


c. It is simply an arrogant professor preening his intellectual feathers.

Garbatellamike Nov 25th 2015 3:17 am

Re: Road to a Grecian turn?

Originally Posted by Maybe1day (Post 11802425)
I back default and Grexit, not a lingering death, Tsipris or whatever he is called betrayed the electorate. For the last 26 years I have been against the EU, but not the Common market but that is another pair of sleeves (Italian saying), kettle of fish (GB).

I think everyone accepts the rationale for the Common market - no brainer.

The EU can be argued both ways - methinks I am 50/50 on pros and cons.

Introducing a common currency without first having common financial and taxation systems - madder than a box of Varoufakii!

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