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audrey426 Aug 12th 2008 7:27 am

Major Dog Dilema!
Hi there,

Major dilema, I have two dogs who by the time my visa is through, will be 9.5 year s old. One is a highly strung German Shepherd, other is a wee shitzu.
Whilst the cost of relocating them is eye watering, i would be prepared to pay. The GS coming with us is just not going to be feasable (came home today to an eaten kitchen door) and thats not the only damage she has done to the house in past, what do I do?
Having been a dog warden for 10years, I know the reality of getting a good second home, and also have witnessed various cruelty cases over the years. This dog has been with me since a puppy through thick and thin, she hates loud noise, has to be inside house at nite etc. Its absolutly heart breaking making a decision, do i try rehome? or do I take the advice of one vet, to destroy her? I cant bare destroying her, but will it be crueler to try rehoming when all she has known is me and the children? How is anyone going to understand all her little ways and fears. I just have visions of her ending up in a shed or worse rehoming shelters, she will just go to pieces. Shepherds are very much one man dogs. Her age is a major factor as Shepherds dont norm make double figures. Ive given her a fantastic life should i be the one to end it? any one in similar situation? :confused:

Zambia Aug 12th 2008 7:32 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
I would appeal on here for a good home and any other site that may help. Simply by hearing your story I would have taken her if i was not leaving the UK myself.

I feel for you best of luck. :( I dont envy your shoes.

aqualiv Aug 12th 2008 7:32 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
How long until you go to oz?


audrey426 Aug 12th 2008 7:37 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
Not sure, could be with in the next 8 months. So suppose I have time on my side.....

aqualiv Aug 12th 2008 7:39 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
That is tough. Will you be taking the other dog.
How much will it cost approx to take both?


audrey426 Aug 12th 2008 7:46 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
The smaller dog has a home if we want, but although he is a grumpy little sod, he is not destructive, plus he was on his 4rth home in his first 2 years of life when i picked him up.
The cost isnt the issue here, its just the whole rental thing with a large dog that can do damage if were not there. Apart from that she is a fantastic animal that everyone that knows her loves her. I honestly think she will eat her way throung the crate and the hold!
This is a nightmare, I dont care about what im leaving behind - people etc, just this dog, and what the right thing is to do by her.

audrey426 Aug 12th 2008 7:47 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
Sorry, the cost is approx £5,500 for dogs and 2 cats.

aqualiv Aug 12th 2008 7:49 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
Due to what she has done today to the kitchen floor you might be looking at it differently. Give her a few days;)

It's hard enough leaving family and friends behind, so if you can afford to take your dogs.

But then I'm a big softie when it comes to pets


POW148 Aug 12th 2008 7:52 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
Dogs are for life. Take her with you. You cant abandon her in the later part of her life. She obviously stresses when you are apart during the day so how do you think she will react if you are gone forever.

There is no way I could ever think about going anywhere without having my dogs included in my plans. We moved out of the suburbs for a rural location because one of our dogs was very anti social and does not like men. I guess she had a horrible upbringing as a pup. We found her on the side of the road.


audrey426 Aug 12th 2008 8:00 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
Hmmmm possibly, ..............but she has also chewed flat, copper pipes off the gas boiler, luckily not the gas one-(that was one bonfire night , I was home by 6pm, for her!!)
Eaten two other doors, wrecked wire mesh on a run - heavy grade.
Todays incident was whilst she had access to a huge garden with door to the house OPEN, in case she wrecked that!
How can i rent with that!! I will be house bound, as were planning Brisbane, we live on a quiet farm the now, god forbid if a car or something backfired!:)

Sally Simpson Aug 12th 2008 9:38 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
Personally, I'd take the dog & ditch the cats!:sneaky:

Serioulsy, is there any sort of specialist rehoming for GS available?

We had just taken a lovely old Cairn on when we started going through this process. She was about 10 & I worried about what we would do with her.I felt that the travel & the heat would be too much for her but felt mean at the thought of passing her on. In fact she died before we had to make the decision which, whilst very sad, was also a blessing. I really do feel for you. Good luck!

Cheetah7 Aug 12th 2008 11:51 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!

Originally Posted by audrey426 (Post 6673227)
Hmmmm possibly, ..............but she has also chewed flat, copper pipes off the gas boiler, luckily not the gas one-(that was one bonfire night , I was home by 6pm, for her!!)
Eaten two other doors, wrecked wire mesh on a run - heavy grade.
Todays incident was whilst she had access to a huge garden with door to the house OPEN, in case she wrecked that!
How can i rent with that!! I will be house bound, as were planning Brisbane, we live on a quiet farm the now, god forbid if a car or something backfired!:)

As an ex veterinary nurse and having owned my own 'problem' dog in the past, I would advise you to start seeking out a home for her now.

My whippet bitch could not have come with us, she was a biter and had bitten a couple of people - despite behavioural therapy, she could not be trusted - even with my family which was awful really. Let alone putting her in a crate for 20 hours and letting strangers handle her.

She had renal failure and was put to sleep a year ago today:(

She did thousands of pounds worth of damage to our flat and an assessment by a vet and behavioural specialist both agreed that it would not be fair to export her. Exporting animals can have an effect on a pet - most are OK, some are left effected by their journey.

My cat Gordon cannot even go near his wooden crate or his cat carrier, he hates to be left alone and has become vocal ever since he moved - screaming if I even go to the toilet.

Now as for having her put down, I wouldn't do that - there is probably someone out there just like you who will love her and even be lucky enough to spend all day with her and work on her seperation anxiety issues.

Get your local press involved or local TV station, they love a story like that - please don't write off the prospect of another loving home for your bitch yet, you don't know who is out there ready to give their heart (and sofa) to your dog.

If the story is well written and well presented to the local papers/TV station, then you will have more chance of success.

Don't feel guilty about leaving her behind, you are doing what is best for her and although she loves you as her owner, you do need to look at the whole picture because a dog with seperation anxiety is often a distressed one and crating her for 20 hours or more might not be to her benefit let alone putting her in a new house where suddenly chewing the doors/furniture will have a huge knock on effect with your landlord.

But please try the media, try GSD rescue - try it all till you get the right home.

Good luck, I shall talk to some ex colleagues if I can to see if they know of anyone that might be able to help you.:)

audrey426 Aug 12th 2008 11:14 pm

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
Thanks for that, have app with vet on Monday to rule out illness etc, and have spoken to some ex collegues, she deserves one chance at rehoming, failing that, it was felt by all of the above (vet,friend in sspca etc) that putting her down is the best option.

marvinc Aug 13th 2008 12:14 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!

Originally Posted by audrey426 (Post 6673095)
Hi there,

Major dilema, I have two dogs who by the time my visa is through, will be 9.5 year s old. One is a highly strung German Shepherd, other is a wee shitzu.
Whilst the cost of relocating them is eye watering, i would be prepared to pay. The GS coming with us is just not going to be feasable (came home today to an eaten kitchen door) and thats not the only damage she has done to the house in past, what do I do?
Having been a dog warden for 10years, I know the reality of getting a good second home, and also have witnessed various cruelty cases over the years. This dog has been with me since a puppy through thick and thin, she hates loud noise, has to be inside house at nite etc. Its absolutly heart breaking making a decision, do i try rehome? or do I take the advice of one vet, to destroy her? I cant bare destroying her, but will it be crueler to try rehoming when all she has known is me and the children? How is anyone going to understand all her little ways and fears. I just have visions of her ending up in a shed or worse rehoming shelters, she will just go to pieces. Shepherds are very much one man dogs. Her age is a major factor as Shepherds dont norm make double figures. Ive given her a fantastic life should i be the one to end it? any one in similar situation? :confused:

All breeds have 'breed rescues' specialists in finding homes for just that breed, if you pm me where you are I'll let you know where your closest co-ordintor lives for your area. Quite surprised as a past Dog Warden you didn't use them for dogs in your care after the statuary 7 days.

My family always had Shepherds and most lived to 13 plus so she has a few years in her yet, wouldn't advise 'all breed' rescues. The earlier you contact your closest GSD rescue the easier it is for them to find the right home, she'll be assessed and lots of questions asked then matched to a home or you'll need to wait for the right home to come along. All breed rescues work differently, I was co-ordinator for my clubs rescue (SBT) certainly with us and most others I know, a dog cannot be homed on to another party but has to go back to the breed rescue if for any reason the dog doesn't work out. We mostly work on a home to home basis so she'll stay with you until a home is found which is easier on her. Dogs mainly are adaptable and cope well with rehoming, most it has to be said thrive and have a new lease of life.

There are some lovely oldie homes out there, more so than middle aged which are always the hardest age to rehome.

Wandathecat Aug 13th 2008 2:06 am

Re: Major Dog Dilema!
Some very valid points from everyone.

Heres another thought, whats she like during the day on her own outside?

If we get a dog eventually he/she will be outside during the day and in at night.

If you had a huge garden with plenty of shelter would that be a problem?


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