British Expats

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AndrewR Aug 18th 2003 12:35 pm

Originally posted by ratliffe
Thankyou Rach
it seems this post has totally gone off the subject with the others.
I give it ten years untill the U.K will be a third world country or one that is run by the yanks, skilled workers no longer required'

I think you need new material son, frankly your gags just aren't that funny....:rolleyes:

pommie bastard Aug 18th 2003 12:47 pm

Originally posted by SteveBannister
Bet you're glad that your salary isn't 'productivity relatded'! Pound still looks OK from this end, anything over 1.5 to 1 is OK for me. Don't know hor far your 40c to the £ will go though?
Lets see main drain on me cash is ale so Australia $7.0 a pint the UK say 2 squid , plus higher wage rates in the UK and lower taxes also more to pay for health care in Australia.
Seems you should do your sums again.

:D :cool:

pommie bastard Aug 18th 2003 12:51 pm

Originally posted by ratliffe
Thankyou Rach
it seems this post has totally gone off the subject with the others.
I give it ten years untill the U.K will be a third world country or one that is run by the yanks, skilled workers no longer required'
What you are describing is Australia now you sad prat , most companies here are Yank/Brit owned as for skilled workers they only want your dosh.

:D :cool: :beer:

Ceri Aug 18th 2003 3:49 pm

Originally posted by bryank
Comparatively, it is small-fry in Australia.
You believe too much regarding "news scare tactics"

Geeze for once - report on the thousand upon thousands of immigrants who donate to a society... Bad stories always sell more newspapers... lets blame this and that.... try a scape goat, it's easier than looking at ourselves. Politicians take the easy route. Lets blame some one

For the record ... my car in the UK was broken into by a white guy, also the same here...
I've had more bad experiences with so-called white people than so called ethnic people

Also , "third world countries" try "developing" last time I looked Iraq (which is No one for illegal immigrants to the UK) - is classed as a developing country.

Do you believe everything you read in the "rags"


muppetking Aug 18th 2003 4:40 pm

Originally posted by mcjimbo

I can draw my own opinions and don't need the lonely planet to tell me anything. When I say something, im not repeating what friends have said, or whats popular myth i've researched it and made my own my mind up.

You draw some pretty harsh conclusions based on what appears to be very little knowledge of Australia and its people. I would describe Australians as non-pretencious, honest, hard working and positive people. To say you've met one Aussie, then you've met them all is a sweeping generalisation. If you bothered to look Australia is a multi-cultural society made up of many different ethnic groups, its not a white middle class country by any means.

We also don't pretend we are a super power, or a major player in the world because we know we aren't. We don't have a class system, and whether your wearing a suit or t-shirt and flip flops your treated as an equal. We are the underdogs, and we like it that way. But yes I would say we are a super country, definately. We don't have nukes pointed at us, kids are safe in our schools, we have great weather, you don't need to be rich to live a great life, and we have 2 cities listed in the top 10 cities in the world to live.

The standard respone I recieved from any Briton I met when they learnt my nationality is "What the hell are you doing here". I haven't met one Brit that didn't love Australia who'd actually been there. I appreciate the experiences i've had in England, and given the chance I would always come back to visit. But to live, i'd choose Australian in a heartbeat.

I can appreciate your views considering you have been fortunate enough to live in both parts of the world, unlike some on here who bag the UK on the basis of having been to OZ on holiday........and they LIKED it ! Well I never. However your comments about the boring lives Brits lead is laughable. I would like to know what kind of company you keep. Big Brother is all the rage in Oz and the behaviour/attitudes of its young contestants is pathetic....much like the UK version. We have been to Oz many times and for us it simply lacks SOUL. Americanised and sanitised. That is not to say we don't like it but please spare us the OZ is SOOO much suffers from similar problems to Europe but it does it under clearer skies. Big deal.

Megalania Aug 18th 2003 5:05 pm

Originally posted by muppetking
I can appreciate your views considering you have been fortunate enough to live in both parts of the world, unlike some on here who bag the UK on the basis of having been to OZ on holiday........and they LIKED it ! Well I never. However your comments about the boring lives Brits lead is laughable. I would like to know what kind of company you keep. Big Brother is all the rage in Oz and the behaviour/attitudes of its young contestants is pathetic....much like the UK version. We have been to Oz many times and for us it simply lacks SOUL. Americanised and sanitised. That is not to say we don't like it but please spare us the OZ is SOOO much suffers from similar problems to Europe but it does it under clearer skies. Big deal.
I met an African-American soldier in a cafe in some small village in the Netherlands espousing to a Netherlander woman the virtues of Los Angeles, his home. I was puzzled but his sincerity was clear.

captaincook Aug 18th 2003 9:12 pm

Well you really are typical aussies. You probably do not realise but your defensive attack of me was typical of all aussies and I think goes to prove my point that you are mostly similar and if you have met one you've met them all. I would suggest that 95% of aussies would have posted a similar type of reply to what i thought was a fair but obviously negative post.

I have also found that if an aussie posted something negative about britain then brits would respond as an individual. Some brits would agree, some disagree, some inject a little humour, and some may resort to attacks like you but the important point is we are not bound by the collective almost brainwashed predicatability of the aussies.

Personally I would prefer it if Oz was a republic as i think they may then start moving on and stop blaming the brits for every problem they have. The only problem as I see it is the aussies could'nt organise a p*ss up in a brewery.

Originally posted by mcjimbo

You come across as someones thats had a bad experience and holds a bitter grudge. Maybe you didn't do so well in Australia, maybe your just an anti-social, unfriendly git.... who knows. If you didn't make any genuine friends while you were out there for 5 years, I think you'd probably have to take into account you might be part of the problem.

The Australia you describe is not one that I or others know. Your description of the Australian male sounds like something out of a Richard Attenborough documentary. If we are so basic, I wonder what Richards anology would be of a British soccer thug, renowned the world over. I can't help feeling that you seem to have a superioty complex distancing yourself from us alpha males , you come across as arrogant and pompous. You probably still believe we are a nation of un-educated convicts and should be ruled by the mighty British empire.

I respect and like most of the people i've met in Britain and found them friendly and genuine. However you seem to represent a minority with views from days gone by. You ideals are flawed and I don't think you represent the views of your fellow countrymen.

You seem to of lived 5 shallow years in Australia, and I believe the country is better of without you. Enjoy grey skys, rain, and cold dreary days. Thats all I have to say.


Badge Aug 18th 2003 9:24 pm

I thought their reponses were quite considered Mr Cook! And not a brainwashed response. His soccer analogy was fairly accurate - there seems to be a soccer brain washing in this country - a shame when we don't even win anything! I think Aussie males have every reason to be superconfident and "brain washed" - its why they are seen worldwide to be good sportsman and good all rounders.


Megalania Aug 18th 2003 10:28 pm

Originally posted by captaincook
Well you really are typical aussies. You probably do not realise but your defensive attack of me was typical of all aussies and I think goes to prove my point that you are mostly similar and if you have met one you've met them all. I would suggest that 95% of aussies would have posted a similar type of reply to what i thought was a fair but obviously negative post.

I have also found that if an aussie posted something negative about britain then brits would respond as an individual. Some brits would agree, some disagree, some inject a little humour, and some may resort to attacks like you but the important point is we are not bound by the collective almost brainwashed predicatability of the aussies.

Personally I would prefer it if Oz was a republic as i think they may then start moving on and stop blaming the brits for every problem they have. The only problem as I see it is the aussies could'nt organise a p*ss up in a brewery.
Why would Aussie Alpha Males need to organize to do that to a Brit Gamma Male, and in a brewery of all places?

mcjimbo Aug 19th 2003 2:24 am

Originally posted by captaincook
Well you really are typical aussies. You probably do not realise but your defensive attack of me was typical of all aussies and I think goes to prove my point that you are mostly similar and if you have met one you've met them all. I would suggest that 95% of aussies would have posted a similar type of reply to what i thought was a fair but obviously negative post.

I have also found that if an aussie posted something negative about britain then brits would respond as an individual. Some brits would agree, some disagree, some inject a little humour, and some may resort to attacks like you but the important point is we are not bound by the collective almost brainwashed predicatability of the aussies.

Personally I would prefer it if Oz was a republic as i think they may then start moving on and stop blaming the brits for every problem they have. The only problem as I see it is the aussies could'nt organise a p*ss up in a brewery.

Is it a crime to have a difference of opinion?

I'm sorry but I just flat out can't believe the Australia you describe. I've traveled all over Australia, and the UK and I would say that theres one very hard thing to do about any country, that is characterise the entire population.

If I make a comment, i'll generally try to isolate to a group of people. For instances the southerners seems to have different opinions/personalitys than the northerners in England. I would not just say all Brits are the same because they are not, there are definately regional differences. I realise they don't all love fish and chips, and watch Eastenders. Because despite its size England is a big country in terms of population.

Australia is also made up of lots of different regions, and the people differ from state to state. You however seem fit to right off an entire nation based on what I can tell is limited experience in one area. That is something I cannot and will not accept. Generally the entire population won't be hostile for the hell of it. Perhaps you should review the way you address people, and try to check your ego at the door.

One last thing, don't ever underestimate an aussies ability to organise a piss up in a brewery. This is one thing we do very well!

chippy Aug 19th 2003 5:33 am

Re:GDP...No retort from a clever little Florida then..?

pommie bastard Aug 19th 2003 1:42 pm

Originally posted by badgersmount
I thought their reponses were quite considered Mr Cook! And not a brainwashed response. His soccer analogy was fairly accurate - there seems to be a soccer brain washing in this country - a shame when we don't even win anything! I think Aussie males have every reason to be superconfident and "brain washed" - its why they are seen worldwide to be good sportsman and good all rounders.

HA,HA ,HA ,HA , good sportsmen bollocks , not very good at sport right now either lost the Rugby at the weekend now lost the Football to the spud pickers.
Whats that Football World cup that England have won and Australia has never got passed the first round.
Or the Rugby Cook Cup that England has held for the last 4 years by beating the Aussies,and the grand slam in the 6 nations , how did Australia in the Tri-Nations second was it out of the three teams yet again ?

:D :cool: :beer:

porkchop Aug 19th 2003 4:41 pm

Originally posted by pommie bastard

Whats that Football World cup that England have won and Australia has never got passed the first round.

:D :cool: :beer:

1966. You can not live on past glories. What have England won since then?


Kiwipaul Aug 19th 2003 4:48 pm

Originally posted by porkchop
1966. You can not live on past glories. What have England won since then?

Got to remember PC that PB lives in the past cos he's got stuff all to look forward to in the future.

Don Aug 19th 2003 4:52 pm

Originally posted by porkchop
1966. You can not live on past glories. What have England won since then?

1998 Keepy-uppy World Championship.

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