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Tiawamutu May 29th 2005 1:43 pm

Go Bananas has gone :(
I was looking through some threads the other day, and came across a post by Go Bananas. When I went into her profile to see if she had posted anything else recently I found that she has unregistered herself from the forum! :(

What a great shame, she will be greatly missed by a lot of people...

If you are watching Jill....please won't you consider coming back :(

aussie73 May 29th 2005 1:57 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by Tiawamutu
I was looking through some threads the other day, and came across a post by Go Bananas. When I went into her profile to see if she had posted anything else recently I found that she has unregistered herself from the forum! :(

What a great shame, she will be greatly missed by a lot of people...

If you are watching Jill....please won't you consider coming back :(

l thought she had forgiven 3legs for sending up the banana diaries and that they were now friends and that everything was alright. Perhaps she was deeply offended by it.

Pollyana May 29th 2005 1:58 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by aussie73
l thought she had forgiven 3legs for sending up the banana diaries and that they were now friends and that everything was alright. Perhaps she was deeply offended by it.

It wasn't exactly complimentary, and even after an apology the words would still have hurt.
I can quite understand why she left.

Tis a shame though, she had a good sense of humour, and made some excellent posts. You're sadly missed, Jill.

DollyDaydream May 29th 2005 6:33 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by aussie73
l thought she had forgiven 3legs for sending up the banana diaries and that they were now friends and that everything was alright. Perhaps she was deeply offended by it.

I thought is was all sorted out as well. :confused:

It's such a shame when you feel so hurt by someone that you stop posting. This happened to a very good friend of mine on here not too long ago, I still miss her very much.


Pollyana May 29th 2005 7:12 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(
Happened to me; I was persuaded back by some very good friends & fellow posters. However it leaves a nasty taste, and makes you wary of posting honest opinions and experiences.

Rich and Angie May 29th 2005 7:36 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(
I too will miss Jill#s posts....her diaries were brill.
I don't know what happedned between Jill and 3Legs,must have been when I didn't come on for a few days couple of weeks ago.

But if 3Lrgs has apologised can we all persude Jill to come back.

Come on Jill you will be sadly missed by lodas of people on here, me incluided.


GinaUK May 29th 2005 7:48 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(
Just had another look at the Banana Diaries and it now just says "usenet poster" against her name.

I loved reading her posts and I'm really sorry she has gone.

A pity 3legs got unbanned. Some people felt he was just jokingn and should be allowed back to the board, but it wasn't funny for Jill to be at the receiving end.

We're hoping to move to Perth in the future, and Jill's posts contained lots of useful information. Maybe some of her friends, who are still on this board can persuade her to come back at some point. Let's hope so.


paulf May 29th 2005 7:59 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by GinaUK
Just had another look at the Banana Diaries and it now just says "usenet poster" against her name.

I loved reading her posts and I'm really sorry she has gone.

A pity 3legs got unbanned. Some people felt he was just jokingn and should be allowed back to the board, but it wasn't funny for Jill to be at the receiving end.

We're hoping to move to Perth in the future, and Jill's posts contained lots of useful information. Maybe some of her friends, who are still on this board can persuade her to come back at some point. Let's hope so.


Hardly fair YOU saying he should,nt be Unbanned when Jill said he should.
besides do you know the reason she left?

Theresa, Ian & Tim May 29th 2005 8:10 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(
Hopefully I will be moving to Perth at the end of July this year. I must admit I really do enjoy the Banana Diaries and all the other diaries that people post on this forum. Like Gina stated Jill's post did contain lots of useful info for people who are moving to Perth. Let's hope Jill returns to this site soon.


Simone May 29th 2005 8:18 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by GinaUK
We're hoping to move to Perth in the future, and Jill's posts contained lots of useful information. Maybe some of her friends, who are still on this board can persuade her to come back at some point. Let's hope so.


I have been trying, and will continue to do so! :)

Jill has accepted Threelegs' apology(and I am now also convinced it was genuine ;) ), but because of all this(and others 'agreeing' with him) and all these different threads about it.... she just wants to forget it all.
So she especially won't be coming back now, though I think if she sees this thread, hopefully she will one day(though on the other hand she will hate this thread...!).

I think she also just has to get used to the fact that not everyone likes everything, and things get misunderstood very easily(the last bit I also have a lot of trouble with, I don't like things being misunderstood :o )

Now, I hope I've put this all the right way, and nothing is misunderstood.... :D :scared:

GinaUK May 29th 2005 8:26 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by Simone
I have been trying, and will continue to do so! :)

Thanks, Simone :) Let's hope that after a while then, Jill will feel like writing here again.

I think I found the original "Banana Diaries" thread sometime in February. By then it had over 60 pages. I spent a whole evening reading it all, absolutely loving it, and copying lots of useful bits into a Word document to keep.

I've never sent her a PM or email, because I thought she would not wwant to be bothered by a stranger, but now that she's gone, I wish I'd told her that I really appreciated her posts.

When we eventually make it to Perth, I hope you "Perth Ladies" are still going strong and I get a chance to meet you. Hopefully, we're coming for a reccie after Christmas.

Take care.


DollyDaydream May 29th 2005 8:27 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by Simone
I have been trying, and will continue to do so! :)

Jill has accepted Threelegs' apology(and I am now also convinced it was genuine ;) ), but because of all this(and others 'agreeing' with him) and all these different threads about it.... she just wants to forget it all.
So she especially won't be coming back now, though I think if she sees this thread, hopefully she will one day(though on the other hand she will hate this thread...!).

I think she also just has to get used to the fact that not everyone likes everything, and things get misunderstood very easily(the last bit I also have a lot of trouble with, I don't like things being misunderstood :o )

Now, I hope I've put this all the right way, and nothing is misunderstood.... :D :scared:

Hi there Simone,

I can see what you're saying about writing things that not everyone will like (and how things can so easily be misinterpreted), but I think this and other threads on this subject must be some sort of testament to how Jill (and Warren) were liked on here.


possoms May 29th 2005 8:53 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by DollyDaydream
Hi there Simone,

I can see what you're saying about writing things that not everyone will like (and how things can so easily be misinterpreted), but I think this and other threads on this subject must be some sort of testament to how Jill (and Warren) were liked on here.


Hi its such a shame shes stopped posting, ok she accepted the appology but it must have really hurt her. Really hope she comes back soon.

jensteve May 29th 2005 11:39 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by possoms
Hi its such a shame shes stopped posting, ok she accepted the appology but it must have really hurt her. Really hope she comes back soon.

I wouldn't hold your breath, I can't really blame her for deciding to give this forum a break. I've done it myself shoved my foot in it and received the backlash, those who personally knew me understood and thought my ban was rather OTT, but when you get "slagged" off its really not nice especially if the other people concerned don't even really know the person concerned.

Jill came purely on here to advise and give peeps her own personal experiences which now looking back on giving so much personal details was probably not the best thing to do, and all she got in return was a rather over humourous person thinking they would take the mickey, the fact that it was blatently directed at Jill's posts caused her to rethink her reasons as to why she still remained posting on this site if there where people here who didn't quite think the same way.
Why put yourself in the position to be made fun of? Well no one if given half the chance so hence why she is no longer here. I hope for Jill's sake this has woken up other people on here, that although we don't know the people at the other side of the screen a bit of self control and common sense will prevail, think of the poor soul that thinks they are doing everybody a favour and gets picked at in return.

Its really not nice, you never forget especially if youa re a really honest nice person, and I can guarantee you Jill is 100%.


NJJ May 30th 2005 12:41 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by Pollyana
Happened to me; I was persuaded back by some very good friends & fellow posters. However it leaves a nasty taste, and makes you wary of posting honest opinions and experiences.

dont know of bananas personally but I also remember Hev hetting upset a while ago too... Glad I & others persuaded Hevs to not go away though as the stalwarts of this forum such as you guys should not get upset by meaningless thoughtless comments though as you support far outweighs the people that will slate you....


hevs May 30th 2005 12:58 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by NJJ
dont know of bananas personally but I also remember Hev hetting upset a while ago too... Glad I & others persuaded Hevs to not go away though as the stalwarts of this forum such as you guys should not get upset by meaningless thoughtless comments though as you support far outweighs the people that will slate you....


Thanks Mr Olas:) I remember i just felt shocked at the time and very angry. When i typed my rant i didn't expect people to appologise or anything, i was just so incensed. A few days after i looked back and felt a bit stupid that i had let a bunch of strangers upset me so much, after all our real friends knew how things were and thats all that really mattered in the end.

What i have come to realise is though that things do tend to go round full circle on this forum and if you do let it get to you over and over i think it could send you mad:(

I hope Gill is happy, whatever her decision in the end.

Bordy May 30th 2005 1:08 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by NJJ
dont know of bananas personally but I also remember Hev hetting upset a while ago too... Glad I & others persuaded Hevs to not go away though as the stalwarts of this forum such as you guys should not get upset by meaningless thoughtless comments though as you support far outweighs the people that will slate you....


So it was you to blame for her coming back. :rolleyes:


TopCat3 May 30th 2005 1:12 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by possoms
Hi its such a shame shes stopped posting, ok she accepted the appology but it must have really hurt her. Really hope she comes back soon.

You know how people send each other things by email ? - jokes, wise sayings, etc , well I had one the other day that made me think of this whole situation and how the Go Bananas lady must have been feeling, not that I knew her or had read her diaries cos I'm new here, I just read the contentious one that happened recently. Anyway this email thingy I got, one of the sayings was (words to the effect): "You may forget the things someone says to you, you may forgive the things someone does to you, but you will never forget how they made you feel."
And I guess that's what's happening for Mrs Go Bananas. :(

sme May 30th 2005 2:00 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(
I too feel sad that Go Bananas has deregistered but can perhaps understand her reasons why. I did enjoy her diaries and was looking foward to meeting the Perth Ladies (but I think that calling themselves "ladies" is pushing it a bit ;) ). Hopefully it will still be going strong when I reach Perth.
Good luck to Jill, Warren and Littlun.

JackTheLad May 30th 2005 2:11 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(
It just reminds me of playground tantrums. People slagging off others. Who is in whos gang 'sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me'. "yeah, but you said it'. 'No I didn't'. 'But I said sorry'. 'No you didn't'. 'I did'. 'When?'. 'Just there'. 'Don't believe you', 'I DID'', 'Oh OK, I believe you now, but I'm in a huff'.

It all strikes me as childish in the extreme

People spitting their dummies over nothing, I could go on, but ahhh :rolleyes: , its boring me now too. G'Night :zzz:


Chris Mitchell May 30th 2005 2:12 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(
Whatever Go Bananas reasons are I guess we have to respect her decision, but just wanted to add they she has been an excellent source of info, and many on here will miss her humour and the contribution that she made.

Sad that people cannot respect other peoples opinions and contribution to the forum. Like many I skim the threads if I dont like it I dont read it. I joined to get info on life in Aus, info on the visa process and most importnaly to make friends.

Good luck Go Bananas and family!!

Pollyana May 30th 2005 2:23 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by TopCat3
"You may forget the things someone says to you, you may forgive the things someone does to you, but you will never forget how they made you feel."

Thats very true - and some people are more sensitive than others, hence feel things more deeply.

maggy May 30th 2005 2:33 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by JackTheLad
It just reminds me of playground tantrums. People slagging off others. Who is in whos gang 'sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me'. "yeah, but you said it'. 'No I didn't'. 'But I said sorry'. 'No you didn't'. 'I did'. 'When?'. 'Just there'. 'Don't believe you', 'I DID'', 'Oh OK, I believe you now, but I'm in a huff'.

It all strikes me as childish in the extreme

People spitting their dummies over nothing, I could go on, but ahhh :rolleyes: , its boring me now too. G'Night :zzz:


Jill Certainly did not spit her dummy out.

The whole horrible experience really did spoil it for her as it did for others.

End of story.

Im sure Jill would rather the subject was dropped.


NJJ May 30th 2005 8:57 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by hevs
Thanks Mr Olas:) .

Over Land And Sea!!!

over land and sea
we all follow the west ham to victory

Merlot May 30th 2005 9:21 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by maggy
Jill Certainly did not spit her dummy out.

The whole horrible experience really did spoil it for her as it did for others.

End of story.

Im sure Jill would rather the subject was dropped.


Here, here Mags.

As my old Nan used to say "Least said, soonest mended". Time for us to move forward.

I am sure if Jill & Warren feel comfortable to come back onto the Forum, they will.

M :)

Sleeping Beauty May 30th 2005 10:04 am

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by Chris Mitchell
Whatever Go Bananas reasons are I guess we have to respect her decision, but just wanted to add they she has been an excellent source of info, and many on here will miss her humour and the contribution that she made.

Sad that people cannot respect other peoples opinions and contribution to the forum. Like many I skim the threads if I dont like it I dont read it. I joined to get info on life in Aus, info on the visa process and most importnaly to make friends.

Good luck Go Bananas and family!!


i feel the same way as you, i have read a few diaries of the aforementioned family, and i think they can be good and informative, if you are looking for the info. everybody post something on this forum that somebody doesn't like..... :( but, i choose to bypass these threads and go onto something that interests me or my family. i choose to ignore certain things :D

she has made fab contributions in a fun way, but it is her choice. let anyone choose what they want to write or read, and not make judgements.


unrefined_mind May 30th 2005 1:17 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(
Going against the flow here - Don't come back Jill !!! :D

Jill and Warren have given the forum a great insight into the up's and down's of moving to and living in / setting up home in Perth.

BUT I feel the negatives outweigh the positives for someone who spends so much of there precious time on this forum - only to be ridiculed by the alarming number of morons now using this site, time to move on Jill.... ;)


Tiawamutu May 30th 2005 11:44 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by maggy
Jill Certainly did not spit her dummy out.

The whole horrible experience really did spoil it for her as it did for others.

End of story.

Im sure Jill would rather the subject was dropped.


I did not start this thread to go over old ground and talk about what happened, but it seems to have turned out that way :(

It was just to try an tell her how much we miss her posts on this forum, and to try and persuade her to return, when she is ready, of course

Three Legs May 30th 2005 11:51 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Three Legs

Feel the double standards

Originally Posted by Tiawamutu
I did not start this thread to go over old ground and talk about what happened, but it seems to have turned out that way :(

It was just to try an tell her how much we miss her posts on this forum, and to try and persuade her to return, when she is ready, of course

Tiawamutu May 30th 2005 11:57 pm

Re: Go Bananas has gone :(

Originally Posted by Three Legs

Three Legs

Feel the double standards

Double standards? :confused:

Ahh I get what you mean....your double standards :rolleyes: :D

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