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MikeStanton Aug 11th 2004 10:51 am

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by Quinkana
Let's seen now Watson: You lived next to a confiding brewery worker subsequentially sacked. Grief stricken by loss, return to Britain offered your only hope.

Are you on drugs (again)? Or have you invented a language that only you understand? Lay-off the waccy baccy...

Quinkana Aug 11th 2004 6:28 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by MikeStanton
Are you on drugs (again)? Or have you invented a language that only you understand? Lay-off the waccy baccy...

You did say you enjoyed piss taking.

I see now you actually meant it quite literally - definitely not metaphorically - and decidedly not about you.

lee/jane Aug 11th 2004 9:07 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?
I think that most people have unralistic views on their dream country, and when they get there and everythings is not rosy their on their way home. There is NOWHERE on this planet thats perfect, EVERYWHERE has levels of crime, band and good education, nice people and miserable people, employment and unemployment. Wherever you are, you still have to get up each morning, get the kids off to school, go to work, pay the bills, deal with bad drivers, deal with pushy sales men, load the washing machine, I could go on and on about everyday boring things we all have to do, and they do not change, no matter what country you are in. BUT when all of that boring shit is done and you have got YOUR time, that's when you want to think, where do I want to be in my spare time.

WE chose OZ because WE like the out door kind of life, out on our bikes, swimming,tennis, golf, diving, we like beaches and sunshine, Essex can't offer us this. I still have to work, I still have to do the things I hate most in life, like putting out rubbish and filling the car with petrol. Those things are the same no matter where I live, but Oz can offer me the things I want in my free time.

It seems to me that most problems of people moving out to OZ is they miss their families, - when do you visit your family? - in your spare time. So it's a bit obvious that out in OZ you are going to have a big gap in your spare time, so missing them is going to be really tough.

We all know it's a leap of faith when you make the move, and we are all different. What I am trying to say is nobody knows YOU like YOU do, so be realistic about what you want, what you need, and what you will be leaving behind.

Hope I've not been a bit to obvious, but it's just how I feel.

We have just got our visas so feeling a bit :scared: :D but :cool: a little bit :eek: ;) but mostly :beer: and :beer: and :beer:


Hels Aug 11th 2004 9:13 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

I liked your post....

Good luck to ya.....



ABCDiamond Aug 11th 2004 9:21 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by lee/jane
Hope I've not been a bit to obvious, but it's just how I feel.


sometimes the "obvious" needs re-stating :)

a good post.

Sunlover Aug 11th 2004 9:46 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?
My personal views for which I will no doubt get crucified, but I believe that specifics are more valuable than generalities.


Cheaper Housing
Cheaper cost of living
More Lifestyle choices - beaches, bush, cities etc.
Less crowded


Miss Family and friends


Attitudes to women are from the dark ages

Work - we both work like slaves over here and are constantly expected to do more and more because everywhere is understaffed - there are just not enough qualified people to employ.

Travel is so much more expensive and everywhere is "Far Far Away"

We really miss all the history, culture and architecture of the UK and Europe and the ability to travel everywhere so easily.

Hope this helps


possoms Aug 11th 2004 10:12 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?
[QUOTE=Sunlover]My personal views for which I will no doubt get crucified, but I believe that specifics are more valuable than generalities.

Travel is so much more expensive and everywhere is "Far Far Away"

really surprised you said this when we were in perth we went to Bali for 2 weeks one week by the coast one in the mountains the apartments were brilliant (in ozzie terms standard rooms in uk terms deluxe!) all for cost of £400. We also got the bus upto Broome from Perth stopping at Kilbarri and Exmouth on the way and found our own accomadation which was very cheap. I've just looked at booking a weeks holiday in a hotel in St Ives Cornwall £470 per peron B&B!!! :confused:

wombat42 Aug 11th 2004 10:20 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by Sunlover
My personal views for which I will no doubt get crucified, but I believe that specifics are more valuable than generalities.


Cheaper Housing
Cheaper cost of living
More Lifestyle choices - beaches, bush, cities etc.
Less crowded


Miss Family and friends


Attitudes to women are from the dark ages

Work - we both work like slaves over here and are constantly expected to do more and more because everywhere is understaffed - there are just not enough qualified people to employ.

Travel is so much more expensive and everywhere is "Far Far Away"

We really miss all the history, culture and architecture of the UK and Europe and the ability to travel everywhere so easily.

Hope this helps


Many would put "attidudes to women from the dark ages" in the better list.

ABCDiamond Aug 11th 2004 10:37 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by Sunlover
Travel is so much more expensive and everywhere is "Far Far Away"

I also stopped and thought about that part, but I suppose it does depend on where a person wants to travel to.

UK to Spain for example is pretty cheap, when compared to Australia to Spain, but when you compare UK to Asia, against Australia to Asia, then UK would be more expensive.

Brisbane to Sydney, or Brisbane to Melbourne as holidays, would, I assume be similar to UK to Europe holidays. Also Brisbane to Fiji or New Zealand isn't that expensive. It's just different to what we were used to in the UK.

kong Aug 11th 2004 10:44 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by Sunlover
My personal views for which I will no doubt get crucified, but I believe that specifics are more valuable than generalities.

Travel is so much more expensive and everywhere is "Far Far Away"

really surprised you said this when we were in perth we went to Bali for 2 weeks one week by the coast one in the mountains the apartments were brilliant (in ozzie terms standard rooms in uk terms deluxe!) all for cost of £400 per person. We also got the bus upto Broome from Perth stopping at Kilbarri and Exmouth on the way and found our own accomadation which was very cheap. I've just looked at booking a weeks holiday in a hotel in St Ives Cornwall £470 per peron B&B!!! :confused:

What a load of cobblers. In Perth 400 quid/1000 dollars is a lot for someone earning the rubber dollar in low wages Perth. You cannot compare costs Aus/UK without taking wages into account. In the UK I would think nothing of paying 400 quid on a weeks holiday, in Australia that would seem extravagent.

kong Aug 11th 2004 10:46 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by wombat42
Many would put "attidudes to women from the dark ages" in the better list.

If they were uneducated red necked pricks they would.

Stewie Aug 11th 2004 11:24 pm

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by kong
What a load of cobblers. In Perth 400 quid/1000 dollars is a lot for someone earning the rubber dollar in low wages Perth. You cannot compare costs Aus/UK without taking wages into account. In the UK I would think nothing of paying 400 quid on a weeks holiday, in Australia that would seem extravagent.

No arguement there.

UK wages are higher than Aus for the equivalent job. No doubt about that.
We fall into the trap of converting $ to £ and saying "That's cheap"

Wouldn't be if you had the same job in Aus paid in $AUD

Quinkana Aug 12th 2004 12:41 am

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?
Adult ~$950 / wk.
Aus: Average Weekly Earnings (2004)

Adult males ~ £510 / wk.
Adult females ~ £380 / wk.
(? Average adult ~ £445 / wk ?)
UK: Average weekly earnings - April 2002 (latest stats?)

Minimum wages also quite similar.

Peter Aug 12th 2004 12:51 am

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by Stewie
No arguement there.

UK wages are higher than Aus for the equivalent job. No doubt about that.
We fall into the trap of converting $ to £ and saying "That's cheap"

Wouldn't be if you had the same job in Aus paid in $AUD

They're higher because the cost of living is higher. I earn far more doing what I do now in the US than I would back home in Australia simply for that reason. There's a huge difference between wages paid in California and Texas too, once again, for cost of living reasons.

Every official financial index out there puts Australia's GDP/PPP per capita and standard of living index above the UK. Why is that? Not so much directed at you Stewie, but all interested bystanders.

MikeStanton Aug 12th 2004 1:11 am

Re: Better quality of life in Australia?

Originally Posted by Sunlover
...but I believe that specifics are more valuable than generalities.

I disagree. Aren't generalities just the sum of the majority of specific experiences? Although specific experiences can make it more real for the reader, most of us will end up experiencing what happens in general. Eg a friend's aunt has smoked 30 cigarettes a day for 60 years - and not one single health problem. In general, most people, after having smoked 600,000+ cigarettes would be in far worse health; most likely 6 feet under.

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